the new boy on the stone- open RP




X Monk a new hero, only with a stone mallet in his hand looks for RP freinds, one day X monk goes down the block whistlin and all but the moment turns great to the worst ever, a rikti squad pins him down to the ground, wats he to do? (post something about this ex:do you see this happening?, ill replie)



A slam to the face then the lone thug was threw across the street into a wall. The impact dug him in so deep he remained there. "HA! eat that lost sukka!!" Cyffer shouted in a euphoric state. His body shone with a invicible aura and it slowly faded. He heard shouting then wild guns going off. He gazed down the street to see a lone hero surrounded by rikti as the pelted him with plasma shots. "None fight alone!" With that he charged. Gaining great momentum he piled into a rikti soldier and it flew into another.

He began to shine again, swinging at the invaders there helmets were knocked out of alinment. Five were out, and there still seemed to be many more. He grabbed a car and slowly lifted it, then swung at three aliens they were crushed by the massive wight of the vehicle.

"Eat it E T!" As rikti were storming forth still.



Vorick ran toward the heroes surrounded by Rikti. One was weilding a car and crushing all who came close. It was not enough. A Communications Officer had opened a portal and the Rikti were now pouring out of it. Vorick pulled out his Assualt Rifle and switched to Full Auto. He landed next to the car-weilding hero, and pulled the trigger. Bullets sprayed out and ripped through the Rikti. More came, and he switched to his M30 Grenade. "My names Vorick", he told the hero next to him. "Brace yourself, this is gonna be a helluva blast."



As Doctor Steve-O, or the Doc as everyone calls him, was doing his daily fly by patrol of Paragon City, in his usual pink suit with a black duster hat and a black skull insignia on his breast pocket (the Docs a flashy character heh heh), he saw three heroes being assailed by a mob of those nasty Rikti Aliens. The Docs not a fighter but he figured he could help them in another way, he dropped out of the sky like a stone and landed next to the hero that just shot an M30 grenade from his rifle. In a blinding blue and green aura the Doc activated his Regeneration Aura, Recovery Aura, and a Healing Aura to help these three heroes finish off the Aliens. It seemed like that gave them just the boost they needed because the hero on the ground with the stone hammer jumped up and took out two of the creatures with one well placed blow.
"Hey guys Doctor Steve-O at your service now lets kick some Portal Jockey Tail!!"



Vorick turned to thank Doc, but before he could a portal ripped open in front of them. No aliens came out, however. Vorick mover closer until he was about a foot from the portal. He looked in to see if anything was on the other side but saw nothing. Then, a long, bony hand reached through and punched Vorick right in the head, sending him flying down the street. He looked up just as a whole army of aliens poured out from the portals...



X Monk, just now getting up from a blow saw Vorick being pushed into a portal. As this happend he pounded the rikti droids near him, grabbed the others, threw them in and flew in to help combat the rikti with his new found friends hoping that they werent the only ones to hop in a portal



On the otherside of the portal, Vorick lay. It was strange. He was on a Rikti ship. They swarmed him, his Assault Rifle and tactical belt ripped from him. They picked him up and carried him. He was thrown in a cell and laser bars rose up. "Oh boy, I hope they get here soon." He looked out through the bars as thousands of Rikti worked controls and sent troops to earth. He pulled a small piece of metal from his boot and tossed it at the bars. It was immediately vaporized. He sat down in the corner, waiting for his friends on the other side of the portal to rescue him...



X Monk and the other two that weren't captured seeked out they're freind. The little party was pounding they're way through, it felt like they had searched the rooms twice like the the doors were portals takeing them nowhere. After X smashed the door the got into the cell roomand releaced they're freind . A feirce battle arose, the fight for paragon.



((sorry for posting so late))

After arriving at the other side of the portal, Cyffer saw the horid site of rikti swarming on there position. He yelled and began to glow with a mysterious aura. He stomped hi sfoot on the ground as the rushing rikti dropped to the ground. "Lets destroy 'em!" He blasted a alien in the face, then grabed one and hurled it into another as they piled up. He took many shots from the soldiers. Hopeing that they would slow the attack but it seemed endless.



Lord Raymond, who happened to be flying back to a contact after beating every boltout of a group of Clockwork saw the scuffle that had ensued below and chose to follow the combatants, he lands and follows them to the cell room quitely on foot, seeing that a fight was about to break out again Raymond quickly pulled out his axe and lays waste to several approaching villains with three quick strokes.

"Greetings fellow heroes, it looks as though you may require some assistance. I am at your service." says Lord Raymond in his cheerful British accent while bowing courteously.



Vorick was relieved that his friends were there to rescue him. He was without a weapon so he used his skills in hand-to-hand combat against the aliens. It was difficult to cause any effect on the aliens, they had some resistance to damage like this. Vorick slipped away from the fight, in search of his weapons. No luck. He turned a corner and quickly turned back and ran for the fight. "Guys! We got alot of truble headin' this way!" They all looked to see an army of Cheif Soldiers marching toward them...



Now the Doc isn't a fighter so all he could think of when he saw the large mob of chief Soldiers marching towards them was,
"Well holy poop on a stick this is gonna be one of those difficult battles."
Like before the Doc in a blinding blue and green aura boosted his teams stamina and regeneration hoping that, that would help. The Doc does have some attack powers but they are no where near as effective as most heroes. He set up for a snipe of one of the front aliens and let loose a powerful energy blast from his arm, and as expected he missed but it did serve a purpose, the bright whitish blue light distracted their armor clad assailants. Hoping that his fellow heroes would take the hint and either make a plan to fight or find an escape route in that short time the Doc fired off an energy torrent to knock the Rikti back to gain them a few more precious seconds...



Seeing the alien beign drawn to the blast as it hit the wall, Cyffer tore a chunk of steel and heavy stone at a group of rikti crushing them completly. "Alright heres our chance! Lets get the hell outs here!!" With that Cyffer begain to taunt the aliens as he backed away hoping his new found friends would follow suit. In Cyffers mind he figured "If we can just get out of this portal and back to our world, more help could come. Just as long as they could escape." "RAAAAAGHHH!" Cyffer bellowed then grabed a stray alien by the heads and tossed him into the wall. "Lets move fellas!"



Vorick saw his friends taunting the aliens and thought he should follow along, but he couldn't. He needed his rifle and belt. He watched as the heroes backed to the portal and when they were almost out he turned and ran for the aliens. The aliens open fired as the made their way around the metal and rock. Vorick dipped and dodged the blasts and made his way safely past them. He ran through many rooms, but found nothing. Finally, he entered a lab room and saw a few aliens scanning his weapons. Vorick leapt at them and snapped ones neck. He picked the alien up and threw it at the others. Then he grabbed his rifle and fired his Flamethrower. The aliens were instantly burned. He threw on his belt and made his way back to his friends. He leapt over the army of aliens and fired his bullets rapidly. One blast from an aliens rifle hit him in the side, searing through his armor, and Vorick stumbled back through the portal. This time the portal opened in the air and Vorick was falling toward the ground...



Seeing that the portal was open again Lord Raymond began to back up slowly towards the portal while still fighting off the oncoming Rikti Army.

"Feel the Power of My Glory!" shouted Raymond as he lifted into the air wielding his mighty axe. "RIKTI! PREPARE YOURSELVES!" he screamed as as he pluined back into the think of the fray slicing a clear path to the portal for the other heroes to use to get back out. "Hurry" said Lord Raymond as he flew out of the portal and back into his own familiar environment.



just as he got them in X threw them in the portal and they were back on earth.....but they saw statesman fighting squad after squad of rikti. forming his mallet he said "just another day" and ran in



On the other side Cyffer got his bearing back and rested a moment still on the ready for another attack. "Man that wasn't very easy, I need a breather." The city stirred with life seeming unaware of the mishap of the tear in teh rift of space and time that just happened. How long would the citizens be unaware of another attack trough portals.



((waiting for someone to rescue in a freefall so someone has to catch me lol))



Unaware of what was happen, DeathRose quitely jump from roof top to roof top, watching people in the streets to make sure all was peaceful. After a while he started to become bored and just slowly walked along a roof edge. "Seem like today going be one them none fun days." after saying that, a yell above of him cought his ear.

His eyes shifted up in time to notice someone falling out of a portal toward the ground. With quick reaction he reached out into to grab the person arm, pulling himself off the roof but able to grab the edge of the builden in time. They hanged on the side of the builden for a few before DeathRose toss the person onto the roof then pulled himself up. He looked at the person once he sat on the edge.

"So much for a peaceful day. Whats going on?"



"Thanks for catching me. Oh boy, we got a big problem, another Rikti attack. That portal I fell from lead to one of their ships. My friends are on the otherside but they are coming soon." With that he grabbed his side, blood flowed out and he fell over, slipping into unconsciousness...



When the Doc stepped through the portal he realized he was falling but the height wouldnt hinder him be cause the Doc could fly. Looking around for his new team mates, Doc finally spotted them or most of them anyways. The Rifle weilding one was no where to be seen, (he also realized that he hadn't caught any of their names in the whole time.) Doc flew higher above the building as the others fought against the Rikti on the ground.
"Looks like they are in good hands." Looking down at the red, white and blue hero below that could only be Statesman.
As he got higher the Doc saw two figures on a near by roof and he swooped down to see if it was who he was looking for. Sure enough it was but he was on his back and looked to be coming in and out of conciousness, there was blood every where.
"Thanks for your help."
He said to the hero that obviously saved "Assualt Rifle" from falling to his death. The Doc concentrated on his healing light and laid a hand on "Assualt's" wounded side. In a blinding green light "Assualt" started to glow. The Doc removed his hand and the large gash in "Assualt's" side was gone. In another green light the Doc used his Regeneration Aura to help with the massive blood loss. "Assualt" was coming around....



Vorick felt a tingling sensation and suddenly all the pain was gone. He woke up and saw a hero over him. Vorick slowly rose to his feet and looked around. He looked at the hero, "Thank you for healing me, the names Vorick."



DeathRose sat there with a half smile but it was hidden from the helmet he was wearing. He slowly stood up, a katana hanged from the side of his armor that coved his whole body. His head tilted up to look at the portal then back down at the two heros.

"Save the introductions for later, we got boogies incoming!"



As Cyffer stand and watch Statesman in a daze he snapped back into the real. "Whoa... he's inspiring." He looked and serched every where for his mates after the fight, he spotted familiar faces on a roof top as rikti began to swarm on them. Cyffer dashed twords them and in the blink of an eye he was there. He quickly murrmered before jumping into the fray "Well the names Cyffer, I didnt really have a chance for a proper intro before. So lets finish this fellas."



Vorick saw that more Rikti poured out of the portal. His Assualt Rifle was laying on the ground underneath it. He dove from the ledge he was on and landed on the ground as the Rikti landed all around him. He switched to Full Auto and open fired as he ran backward. Shots from Rikti rifles came from everywhere. All of his friends immediately sprang into action. This was an open war in the streets and it had to be stopped. For the safety of all the civilians that could get hurt...