Origin: Toxic Marrow




Bear with me. This is my first MMORPG. Actually, this is my first attempt at roleplaying since I was a kid. But after playing a few characters on Protector and Victory, this one character took on a life of his own.
Tyler Morrison is the eldest son of renouned Crey Geneticist, Dr. Franklin Morrison. Growing up in Founder's Falls, he and his younger brother, Michael, were very privleged. They attended the best schools Paragon City had to offer, lived in a beautiful home with a loving mother and a strict but doting father.

Tyler was well on his way to follow in his father's footsteps. he spent a good amount of time assisting his father in his labs, doing light research work. His father was working on serum that would isolate and destroy the mutant gene that was giving so many of Paragon City's residents extraordinary powers, though they were "demonic" in Dr. Morrison's eyes.

The Doctor wanted to "preserve" humanity. Every day he grew more fanatical, going from experimenting on animals to, sometimes unwilling, human subjects. Through all this, Tyler was becoming more uncomfortable with his father's work. He felt it was hypocritical to claim to be working in God's name while playing God himself. But, he kept quiet, dilligently working alongside his father.

One day after school, he went home before heading to the labs. His mother was out running errands, and she had left a note asking if he could watch his younger brother when he arrived home from school. Michael came home, and they settled down in the family room and started watching TV. Like most brothers, they had a bit of sibling rivalry running through their veins. Once they tired of TV, they started wrestling around the living room. Tyler, being the bigger of the two, usually had the upper hand in fights, but this time, Michael took a cheap shot. Blinded by pain, Tyler tackled his little brother.

Then, everything happened in slow motion. Tyler felt a deep, painful burning in his bones. Michael's eyes went wide with fear as he watched spikes spring from his brother's body. Everything went black......

A few moments later, Tyler regained consciousness. He was covered in a sticky green substance and was in excrutiating pain, but for some reason, it was subsiding quickly. He looked around for his brother, and when he saw Michael's lifeless body lying on the ground, he screamed. He got up and ran over to him, and saw dozens of boney spikes embedded in his flesh, oozing the same sticky green substance he was covered in. He called his name, and started remvoving the spikes. He tried CPR, he tried everything, but his little brother was dead.

"I did this?!" he thought to himself, "But how?" As he sat there, trying to control his sobbing, the spikes that were still embedded and the ones he had removed started to disentegrate. Thoughts started rattling through his brain. Thoughts about covering this up. Thoughts about what he was going to tell his parents. And the thought, the nagging, screaming thought that he might, just might be.....

No. He picked up his little brother's body. He looked around the living room and saw that it was in disarray from their wrestling. I know, Tyler thought, I'll tell them it was a break in. Some type of monster broke in, looking for money or things to steal, and killed Michael. I couldn't save him......

The day of the funeral came and went. Tyler's parent's were devestated, distant. They seemed to have believed Tyler's fantastical story about monsters and villains. Little did Tyler know, his father had ordered an autopsy done on Michael. The poison from the spines had been analyzed. Tyler's own DNA had been found. His father had only kept it quiet so as to have a proper funeral for his youngest son.

A few days after the funeral, Dr. Morrison confronted Tyler. He knew what Tyler was, the very thing he had been working so hard to wipe from the Earth. He was disgusted, devestated. To him, he had lost both of his sons. He ordered Tyler out of the house, never to return.

Tyler went from having everything to having nothing but the clothes on his back. He ran to Atlas Park, staying in shelters for the homeless. He begged for money and food, and even stole a couple times. One day, as he was wandering the streets, he came upon a couple of thugs attempting to mug a young lady. While she was putting up quite a fight herself, she was still outnumbered. As he watched, he started growing angry. He knew he could help, but why should he? People feared those with power greater than their own, though he did live among heroes, he felt he could never become one. Suddenly, one of the thugs saw him watching, and yelled out "You want some of this too, wimp? Bring it on!" The one who yelled pushed the young lady into his accomplice's grip and started for Tyler.

"You might want to just back off," Tyler called out.

"Yeah, and why is that? What are you gonna do, little man?"

That was the final straw. Tyler felt the familiar sting in his bones, the sting he hadn't felt since that day. Everything came rushing back, emotions he'd done his best to bury these last few months. As the thug drew near, he let himself go. He felt the spines pop out all over his body and hands.

"Holy crap, he's a Mutie!" the thug called out. That was the last thing he ever said. Tyler went to go after the other one, but he was already gone, leaving the young woman laying on the ground, sobbing.

"You ok, miss?" he asked, holding his hand out to help her up.

"Y-yes," she stammered, "I don't know what to say....you saved me!"

Tyler just stared at her a second. "Yeah, well....you probably shouldn't be walkin' around in alleys by yourself at night." He bent down, picked up her purse and handed it to her. She started duting herself off.

"Hey, what's your name, anyway...?" she asked, but Tyler was already gone.

Tyler wandered around that night, thinking. He killed that thug, just as he killed his brother. It was a different feeling, and that bothered him. As he sat in a park, pondering this, he felt someone come up behind him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Tyler asked

"Whoa, it's ok kid! My name's Antonio Nash." the man said, and held out his hand. Tyler didn't take it, and said, "Yeah, so?"

"So, I saw what you did back there for that young lady. Don't worry, I'm not going to call the cops on you", he said quickly when Tyler got up, "rather, I'd like to help you. I'd like to help you with your abilities..."

A couple months and many grueling traning sessions later, Tyler is starting to become comfortable with his growing powers. He's already defeated many villains, including the dreaded Dr. Vazhilok, though he still has much to learn. Antonio was able to give Tyler a special, regenerative suit that works with, rather than against, his powers, though Tyler thinks he looks ridiculous in it. He's been saving his money for a different one. Through the months, he's gone on missions by himself and with other Heroes, fighting the good fight and becoming stronger by the day. He knows now that this path was meant for him. But the thought that he might one day come up against his father or people his father works for nags at him daily. Until that day however, Tyler will continue fighting as Toxic Marrow!


There it is. Sorry it's so long, sometimes when I start writing I get carried away

let me know what you think!




Excellent story...

Sad, but also hopeful. I like it very much. Will you be continuing the story in writing, or will he be a living storyline?

If you ever see Varrik (Claws/Regen scrapper), Kinetra (KinPsy Defender), or Woodbind (Also Spines/Regen scrapper) on Protector, give shout for a teamup... always looking for good players to team up with.

It looks like you have invested in this character's nature enough to be interesting to play with. I look forward to it.



Excellent story...

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Thank you!

Will you be continuing the story in writing, or will he be a living storyline?

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At this point, I'm not sure. I'm going back to college next month, so my playing time will be seriously shortened

If you ever see Varrik (Claws/Regen scrapper), Kinetra (KinPsy Defender), or Woodbind (Also Spines/Regen scrapper) on Protector, give shout for a teamup... always looking for good players to team up with.

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I'll keep my eyes open!

It looks like you have invested in this character's nature enough to be interesting to play with. I look forward to it.

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Same here, and thanks again!
