ROLEPLAYERS! A guide to meeting them in CoH




A piece of advice.... I've found this INVALUABLE. It wasent my idea, I saw someone use it on the first day of retail and havent seen anyone else do it since(though I use it constantly).

I loathe hunting alone-leveling grind = the boring! I always try to find roleplayers to group with if none of my friends or super group members are handy....

/request "Hero Network-testing 2,3,4. This is your chance to fight alongside The Flake! I, The Flake need the assistance of several capes security levels X to Y. Dont pass up this chance to tell your friends you fought alongside The Flake in person! Com info to follow ((Roleplayers only-message me as if a radio))".

Role play the request channel as a hero radio network but throw in a little "personality" like I did to make it interesting.

In this example I play an ice blaster who thinks very highly of himself who goes by the name the flake, so the message is suitably adjusted to show that opinion.

I usually send this message off in Atlas park, then tram to galaxy city and do it once there.

I have had ENORMEOUS success with this, met ALOT of really nice people and had a lot of fun.

Why does no one else do this?

Add your own tips!



Ha, I like that, just might do it. And if that doesn't work, Gemini Park or the Atlas Statue are both quite populated with roleplayers of literally almost any security level.



thats a great idea im going to give a shot tonight... because its hard to find somewho really wants to play and not just to the powerlvling... i mean im guilty of it too sometimes but most of the time i just want to enjoy myself. im on the protector server if anyone wants to tell me.



You mean the request, broadcast, and team channel AREN'T channels on my hero's transciever radio? I thought that was why I had throuble sending and recieving to anything but my team when I'm in tunnels and shielded buildings!

The tell channel clearly interpenetrates vast distances and any obstacle, so I thought I had that wired to my beamed neutrino communicator. Frankly, I'm surprised so many people are capable of sending and recieving information that way... I didn't think it was a common technological item yet. I suppose those radiation generators can innately produce tight neutrino beams, but what about everyone else?

Maybe I'll have to re-check my set-up. <grin>



As another tip, my experience in the game has led me to believe that role-players also tend to fill out their story section in their ID cards. If you right-click the hero and choose "INFO" and get nothing for story, it is possible that person is a role-player... but probably not. If you right click the hero and choose "INFO" and discover a story, regardless how brief, it is probable that person role-plays at least a little (or at least has an actual character concept, which is always a good start.) If you discover a lengthy, well-conceived, beautifully-written story, you can bet your bottom dollar you have discovered a role player.

(Note that a lengthy story is not required: I have met good roleplayers whose info cards said things like, "Hero X battles villians in Paragon City, searching for his kidnapped brother." Short, sweet, to the point.

Jen 8)



You mean the request, broadcast, and team channel AREN'T channels on my hero's transciever radio? I thought that was why I had throuble sending and recieving to anything but my team when I'm in tunnels and shielded buildings!

The tell channel clearly interpenetrates vast distances and any obstacle, so I thought I had that wired to my beamed neutrino communicator. Frankly, I'm surprised so many people are capable of sending and recieving information that way... I didn't think it was a common technological item yet. I suppose those radiation generators can innately produce tight neutrino beams, but what about everyone else?

Maybe I'll have to re-check my set-up. <grin>

[/ QUOTE ]
Gosh. I thought the communicators were handed out with your Hero ID. That's how I got mine.