Huntseeker is currently level 25 as of this posting Huntseeker was born alittle outside of paragon city when he was a boy he and his familiy moved to Paragon city on account that his dad got a great job there working for Crey Technologies over the next couple of years he had a happy childhood and his father made friends with a very brilliant man named Scott. Scott specialized at making special suits that increased ones abilities. Mysteriously Scott stopped showing up for work for about a couple of weeks his father was worried about it but did not show it one day late at night they recieved a visitor at there house. When Huntseekers father oppened the door it was Scott. Scott then begged Huntseekers father to come with him to his lab as they left in a hurry Huntseeker only 14 years old at the time secretly followed behind them. When he got to the lab he overheard something about a suit that scott made and that Scott did not want Crey technologies to get ahold of it for some reason in that very moment some men dressed in black suits broke in and immediately killed Scott then his father took the suit and escaped. Huntseeker (that is not his real name by the way ) arrived home first when his father got home his arm was wounded and he had the suit but not the helmet just its monocole he told Huntseeker to wake up his mom they were leaving immediatly and moving to a diffrent part of Paragon city and his father was quitting his job Huntseeker dare not tell his father he was there. Years later when Huntseeker was grown up his father was always in his lab always working with that suit trying to fix something he would always say to put it short one day while his family was on vacation with him those same agents from years back broke into his families hotel and murdered them when Huntseeker arrived that night he found his family dead and his father gasping for air barely alive his father told him to come to him quickly..... he did. Then his father told him about the suit and its ability to protect and enhance his strength and stamina but it was missing something and he could not figure out what he told Huntseeker never to give it to those agents to the company called crey. They were seeking it for some terrible purpose then his father died. In pure rage and sadness huntseeker took his fathers keys and drove back to his fathers lab took the suit and put it on it weighed a ton and as he turned it on it did nothing just was on thats it. Huntseeker then took the suit put it in the car and drove off far deep into the woods far from Paragon city there he took the suit out of the car and through it into a lake then he just sat down and wept. He was there about a 2 days just sitting there in sadness and anger then from that day forward he still could not believe his eyes he saw a mysterious being arose from the lake with his fathers suit he to this day does not know what it was either a spirit a angel or even a demon he does not know but it was a sight to behold. The being approached him and then told him that he had a certain spark that he was looking for and told him that if Huntseeker let it train him he would beable to start to gain the ability to avenge his family and Scott. Huntseeker didnt know how this being knew this but he didint care. Over the next year mystically he learned many diffrent types of martial arts and learned the ability to use his spirit by using his sadness and emotions he could invoke his spirit to heal himself and become more powerful as he traines. The spirit then told him he could now wear his fathers suit that the key to using the suit had no more to do with technology but with ones own spiritual powers and strength of will the suit involved his will of mind aswell as his will of spirit. The suit further increased his defense and abilities and reconstructed the damage itself inturn healing itself and with Huntseekers spiritual powers he could heal himself. The being then parted way but leaving a piece of its spirit on Huntseeker leaving a symbol on his chest that apeared on anything he wore as a reminder of the vow he made with the being to protect the week hunt the wicked and avenge his families death.
Huntseeker is currently level 25 as of this posting Huntseeker was born alittle outside of paragon city when he was a boy he and his familiy moved to Paragon city on account that his dad got a great job there working for Crey Technologies over the next couple of years he had a happy childhood and his father made friends with a very brilliant man named Scott. Scott specialized at making special suits that increased ones abilities. Mysteriously Scott stopped showing up for work for about a couple of weeks his father was worried about it but did not show it one day late at night they recieved a visitor at there house. When Huntseekers father oppened the door it was Scott. Scott then begged Huntseekers father to come with him to his lab as they left in a hurry Huntseeker only 14 years old at the time secretly followed behind them. When he got to the lab he overheard something about a suit that scott made and that Scott did not want Crey technologies to get ahold of it for some reason in that very moment some men dressed in black suits broke in and immediately killed Scott then his father took the suit and escaped. Huntseeker (that is not his real name by the way
) arrived home first when his father got home his arm was wounded and he had the suit but not the helmet just its monocole he told Huntseeker to wake up his mom they were leaving immediatly and moving to a diffrent part of Paragon city and his father was quitting his job Huntseeker dare not tell his father he was there. Years later when Huntseeker was grown up his father was always in his lab always working with that suit trying to fix something he would always say to put it short one day while his family was on vacation with him those same agents from years back broke into his families hotel and murdered them when Huntseeker arrived that night he found his family dead and his father gasping for air barely alive his father told him to come to him quickly..... he did. Then his father told him about the suit and its ability to protect and enhance his strength and stamina but it was missing something and he could not figure out what he told Huntseeker never to give it to those agents to the company called crey. They were seeking it for some terrible purpose then his father died. In pure rage and sadness huntseeker took his fathers keys and drove back to his fathers lab took the suit and put it on it weighed a ton and as he turned it on it did nothing just was on thats it. Huntseeker then took the suit put it in the car and drove off far deep into the woods far from Paragon city there he took the suit out of the car and through it into a lake then he just sat down and wept. He was there about a 2 days just sitting there in sadness and anger then from that day forward he still could not believe his eyes he saw a mysterious being arose from the lake with his fathers suit he to this day does not know what it was either a spirit a angel or even a demon he does not know but it was a sight to behold. The being approached him and then told him that he had a certain spark that he was looking for and told him that if Huntseeker let it train him he would beable to start to gain the ability to avenge his family and Scott. Huntseeker didnt know how this being knew this but he didint care. Over the next year mystically he learned many diffrent types of martial arts and learned the ability to use his spirit by using his sadness and emotions he could invoke his spirit to heal himself and become more powerful as he traines. The spirit then told him he could now wear his fathers suit that the key to using the suit had no more to do with technology but with ones own spiritual powers and strength of will the suit involved his will of mind aswell as his will of spirit. The suit further increased his defense and abilities and reconstructed the damage itself inturn healing itself and with Huntseekers spiritual powers he could heal himself. The being then parted way but leaving a piece of its spirit on Huntseeker leaving a symbol on his chest that apeared on anything he wore as a reminder of the vow he made with the being to protect the week hunt the wicked and avenge his families death.