Athena Mythos





Taios. A remote ransacked village near the borders of Neverwinter.

Clouds part, my awareness stirs. Where am I? who am I? confusion.

I look around me.... I see fire...blood... carnage... crying in the distance... my head hurts... is that blood? I don't remember being able to cry blood instead of tears. I can't breath, too much smoke... the stench, by
the gods, the stench is putrid, it's making me sick.

My name is Elyia, and this was my story . It all started about 2 days ago. That fateful day. I remember a loud cry for help. A stranger came to town, ragged, soiled and apparently delirious. He spoke of a dark force, moving like a living shadow from realm to realm, leaving only devastation, fear
and death behind. The people of people, were in shock of such a tale. In disbelief the man was ignored and ridiculed. Having not seen war in 20 generations, my people became trusting...too comfortable, and had no time to listen to the ravings of a delusional, possibly insane individual from parts unknown. My family took him in and cared for him... I listened to his tales. Creatures... "creatures" he said, "too gruesome to behold even in your darkest nightmares... came like a swarm of death itself. Fire, lightning, ignited the sky and darkness fell". I watched as he spoke, only to see the light of his eyes dim...his last word..."Paladin".. and he was gone. We buried him that same unmarked grave that only stated "May he find peace".

My mother even said to me "Stay away from the man", to let him... rest. Should I of stayed away? and maybe Death would of passed over? I don't know.... my mother... my family.

"MOTHER??!!" a sudden rush of panic came over me. I ran, I ran soo fast as though my heart would explode... I ran towards our hut. I don't remember our home being so far away....running... WHY!!?! I don't understand...confusion sets in. Everything looks the same... shambles, blackened walls... "which one is it??!". I yell out "MOTHER!" but I hear nothing...silence.

Then I finally see it. Our home... or whats left of it. I search through the rubble... pain! I feel pain!... I don't know from where...maybe its my hands, torn, bleeding, and burned from tearing through blackened ruin. I can't see!... blood, tears... does it matter??.

Does anything matter anymore....I found her. Her grey eyes staring at me.... those same grey eyes that I see when I look in the mirror... my 3rd birthday... laughing, happiness, loved. I shake her... "WAKE UP MOTHER!! OH PLEASE WAKE UP"... reality sets in... blood.
Her neck was slashed. "NOOOOOOOO!!", "by all that is holy...mother..why....why...oh why". I don't remember how long I sat there, holding my mother's body...minutes, hours...does it matter, I ask myself, I cried blood and tears, yet I felt nothing.

I look over to my left... I see a dagger. Is this the same dagger they used on my mother?.
Does anything matter anymore... life.. death... all is lost, all that I loved dear is gone. I feel pain... not my hands... my My heart aches! so much pain... I can't take it anymore. The dagger will stop the pain.

Then, suddenly, a bright golden light blinds me. "STOP! dear one...". "Do not be afraid... though you see only destruction and death around you...there is HOPE". "Who..who are you?" I asked meekly. "I am the Goddess Athena...I have searched far and wide for a mortal such as thee"... "the time has come for Faerun to learn of new gods and goddesses, of new Deities who will watch over mortals in this dark realm so this type of evil can NEVER occur". "I...I, I don't understand..." I say.

"Wisdom comes at a dear price little one, as it always has been centuries past... join me and become my Avatar, not for revenge.. but for JUSTICE". As I stared at the golden light...I slowly saw the shape of a woman...a tall, strong woman with red hair... she wore a golden breast plate with white silken robes and carried a golden spear.

She came closer to me... her eyes... those grey eyes, like my mothers, like mine. "Take my hand dear daughter...and become one with me, you will be my Avatar and we shall join the Pantheon of Gods to protect realms from evil and injustice".... I slowly take her hand... warmth,love and strength flow through me.... knowledge and wisdom of ancient ways overtake my whole being. "Mother... I will make you proud." I say to myself. In one final breath, Elyia is no more... thus, Athena Mythos Avatar of the Goddess of Wisdom and Battle is reborn.