Want to form a SG from lvl 1 with same 5 people




Are you wandering around Paragon City wishing you had a group to adventure with? I would like to begin a new supergroup, beginning at level 1, that will play semi-regularly (3-4 times a week).

Ideally, it would be great to have a group of 5 people, one for each archetype, but we can be flexible. We'll reach level 10 together and think of our supergroup name. We'll talk strategy together and pick powers that compliment the group. I can play almost any time.

This group will do some light role-playing, meaning that we'll have fun with our characters but feel free to go ooc from time to time without worrying about it.

So let me know if you're interested. either post here or, ideally, email me at austindq@yahoo.com



we just need two more people who want to join... any takers?