Mr. White's Dossier: A Fight to Remember




Tuesday, May 5 2004
King's Row, Paragon City

Tonight I battled the Skulls and the Circle of Thorns in the battlezone of Paragon City once known as Perez Park. With the help of fellow heroes, I was able to take out enough Skulls to calm the Superadine rush that seemed to be sweeping through the park and overflowing the surrounding city hospitals. I, however, was not able to draw a connection between the Skulls and any benefactor; their supplier, regretably, still remains a mystery. My original hypothesis that the Vahzilok could be their benefactor has now been dismissed. I have noticed during my patrols that the Skulls take every effort to clean their turf of the Vahzilok in King's Row. The Skulls do not worry with the Circle of Thorns or The Lost, though. Could the Circle of Thorns be the mysterious supplier, with their human experiments and cult magic? Or what of the mysterious Lost, who seem to infest King's Row and Perez Park quite often?

My search will continue...

Furthermore, I have begun to switch tasks and focus some efforts on the Skulls' enemy, the Hellions. Through my latest adventures I have been able to uncover stolen artifacts from the Hellions and clean the street of some of them, unsuccessful in attaining any knowledge of their current status or plotting. They, too, seem to have a benefactor, as they would have no purpose for their stolen artifacts. As often as I have found the Hellions in the sewer system, could they be in deals with the Vahzilok, or the Lost, who inhabit the sewers regularly? Could a greater war than the turf battles on the street be brewing between the two sides' benefactors? The Thorns against the Vahzilok? The Vahzilok versus the Lost?

Time will tell...

The Circle of Thorns has also proven to be very interesting to me. Their experimentation on humans through magic reminds me of the scientific experimentation the Embassy does to its subjects. I have recently raided yet another Embassy location in Nevada, where I have stolen hordes of dossiers and filings pertaining to heroes and villians I see walking the streets of Paragon today. The files not only suggest a shadowy funding of the Soviet Defenders of the Motherland, an age-old group formed through scientific research during the Cold War, but also contains the funding receipts for many scientific and mystic experiments located right here in Paragon City itself. It seems that the Embassy has more to do with many of today's current heroes than many would think...

And there's a small file on a mister Marcus Cole as well...

Mr White
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