Mr White's Dossier: The Trials of the Vahzilok




Saturday, May 1st 2004
Paragon City, Atlas Park

With the help of two very exemplar individuals, today, I confronted the Vahzilok in an ongoing attempt to discover the purpose of their recent kidnappings of wealthy industrialists. I seem to have stumbled upon a plot that encompasses more than the sum of its parts. Not only are the Vahzilok kidnapping civilians, they are testing on them and creating human cadavers. Also there is a strange alliance with the skull gang. When in the sewers today, hoping to find the Vahzilok in their home, my team came across an extensive amount of skulls, and in a separate, personal mission, I uncovered secret Vahzilok information from a skull member.

The plot seems to be thickening. I will get to the bottom of this, in hopes that I can find connections or answers that involve the illustrious Embassy. All shall not be for nothing. I have reporting these findings to encourage a close watchful eye over the sewers and the streets. A strange plot is brewing within the sewers, and an even stranger alliance seems to be forming.

This and more of the re-emerging 5th Column. I must research my stolen dossiers, for I fear I’ve heard that name from an Embassy file before…

Mr White
Virtue Server



Kings Row
May 2, 2004

At last I have come to an end with the Vahzilok for now. With the aid of a fellow hero, I was able to confiscate the stolen cadavers before they were used for the mysterious research of the people of the sewer. The task was a hard one, but the success was a milestone in the war against these hideous beings.
I was, however, unsuccessful in finding the truth behind the identity of the Vahzilok ally. I must now investigate that more. Currently, as I take on the Skulls and their selling of the Superdine drug, I must try to dicover if they are, indeed as I suspect, the mysterious ally of the Vahzilok.
What possibly could the Skulls and the Vahzilok be working on?

My fight continues...

Mr White
Virtue Server



Atlas Park, May 3 2004
Virtue Server

My sources have led me to believe that the Superdine drug being supplied by, and created by, the Skulls is falling from the hand of a mysterious benefactor of the Skulls. In a recent mission into the drug warehouse of one of the Skull’s luietenants, I was able to destroy quite a few drug creation labs, and to uncover that there is a partner in this current drug rush. Who would profit from an alliance with the Skulls?

So now my attention is focused on the Skulls and their current excessive drug selling. There appears to be a large focus of this selling on their turf in King’s Row and, even more, in the dangerous Perez Park. Surrounding hospitals are overflowing with addicts and overdoses. I must stop drug rush and discover who is helping the Skulls, and if, possibly, the Embassy has any connection…

My offer is this. On Tuesday, May 4, 2004, at approximately 7:00pm (eastern standard time) I will be entering Perez Park to stop the rush at its source, and to hopefully get some questions answered. Any who wish to help would greatly be appreciated at that time to meet me at the Atlas Park gateway inside of Perez Park. Let yourself be known and I will gladly work with you on this ever-important mission. All are welcome, especially healers and defenders- your services would be greatly appreciated and I would be in debt to your kind service. This mission is of utmost importance.

My sources also note a possible involvement of the Circle of Thorns as well…

Mr White