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  1. Ive been waiting for the villian version of the heros accolade guide~ Im happy it finaly came out, though im not planning on making a villian any time soon, its now an option for me. (i totaly hate missing badges that you NEED and have to hassle with exemp to get if you skip, somuch that i have put off making any villians=P)
  2. Semi-transparant indigo tesseract for the ultimate win.
  3. The answer:

    Give non 32 aoes a modified accuracy table that lowers the to accuracy cap for things over your own level. Against things 1 level higher than you, the to hit cap is lowerd to 85%, against 2 levels, 75%, against 3 levels, 65% and 4+ 50%.

    You can not raise this cap with anything.

    What this will do is make AoEs the same against even minions, allowing soloing, and keep them usefull against higher level mobs, but only to thin/damage the group, not to kill it outright. Then single target attacks will be faster and more efficiant at killing the few remaining mobs, giving non aoe blasters/scrappers an important role in team efficiancy. What this will require is tankers/controllers if you want to aoe things over your own level, making them more usefull.

    The 32s should not be touched, or if they are they should have their endurance cost and recharge times changed so that they can be used constantly, and also have a built in lower agro generation component.

    Give single target attacks a possible 100% hit chance, aswell as an inherant +5% accuracy for each level above their own *so attacking a +3 mob theres a built in +15% accuracy bonus* This will make single target attacks more effective at quickly killing the things the aoes leave, aswell as better at taking out bosses.

    Doing this i think will make other ATs more important in an aoe team, while still leaveing aoes with solo-power, but only against even or lower level minions and not yellow and orange.

    Further, the new trend in tankers/controllers being REQUIRED to orchestrate current aoe strategies will probibly evolve over time into a more dedicated and balanced anti-red hunting team built around tankers and controllers with blaster/defender support.

    I see scrappers are a pointless addition to the game=P They are half tanker and half blaster, good at soloing i guess, but i dont quite see where they would fit into a classical mmorpg group structure with blasters comfortably handleing all damage dealing aspects. They need some group support abilities, regen should have atleast one of its abilities be team based, so should DA, maybe da gives team stealth, whereas regen gives a team end regen. That or their attacks should be given strong debuffing components.