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  1. I have to disagree with this post a bit I'm an ELE/Cold Blaster and have been playing these types of game for years. I have been playing a week a few hours a day and my blaster is lvl 21 and im doing this grinding, door missions solo and grp and TF with friends only 1. Pick your char based on what you like, cause for the PL it about strat yes the other balster might have it a little easier then me, but I dont like things easy.

    I chose the ele/cold baster cause thats what I wanted. I can solo or grp does not matter and lvl just as fast. Its all about strat and knowing your char abilities and weaknesses, for example lvl's 1 to 20 were pretty easy and the strat was easier for me. Hit lvl 20 got new contacts new missions harder mobs and before I new it bam 5k debt.

    Thought about what I was doing and got a new strat down and less than a day no debt and lvl 21 here I am. So its about haveing fun and playing the char you want to play. Also I died take fly as well and no other special powers yet. So dont be discioureaged that you made an ele/anything blaster.