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  1. sturm375beta

    Tanker Update

    Something more to think about, and I don't think it has been mention. This is concerning the "More hits = bigger hits" part of the proposed solution.

    I am going to talk about upcoming PvP here, so it may or may not apply to standard PvE, and I realize that PvP may be a totally different animal, but this is all the info I have, so I will go on this. With the proposed solution, the tanker in a PvP format is not much, if any, greater threat than they are currently. Any good defence (bubbles, SR scrapper, Phase Shift, ACC Debuff) would effectively negate the increasing damage from a tanker. ie The tanker would not hit often enough to make a signifigant increase in damage, and thus remain a non-threat. This prevents the tanker from taking advantage of his "inate" abilities. I am also pretty sure that the AoE provoke on a melee hit will not be the same, if it even exists in PvP. So there we have 2 of our new "inate" abilities, that may as well not even exist. The same cannot be said for Scrapper crits. It doesn't matter how often they hit, they keep the same percentage of getting a crit, and thus massivly increasing their damage one time.

    This is why I would have still prefered a system that allowed the tanker to have slow, but massive damage (bigger than any other AT on average). And have the aggro system base it decisions on who puts the biggest numbers up over the heads of the villians. It would be harder to balance with scrappers and blasters, but I think it could be done. And, if done to the extent that a superior or extreme damage single target attack from a tanker could one-shot a blaster/controller/defender in PvP, then the tanker would naturally draw the attention first, as is their job.

    Just something to ponder, while we all make wild guess at exactly how the current proposal will take shape.
  2. sturm375beta

    Tanker Update

    First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you. You have re-affirmed my faith in this game (I have to admit it did waiver a litte for a few weeks). The changes all look extremely good, well fitting the role of a Comic Book Tanker.

    To speak to those worried about us usurping the role of "boss killer" from the scrappers. Well, it has been said before, that no group should need any specific AT. That means that each AT should be able to in some way sub for 1 or more other ATs. Of course not as effectively, but none-the-less, we will be able to adequetly step into that role now, as can most blasters.

    Lastly, this is so cool, the new Tankers Only SG on Infinity is going to rock even more than before once these changes come into play. So far we have been having a ball (still in our early teens for the most part) just steamroling over mobs. Of course, like any group of characters we've hit some challenges (Vahz), but we Rock ON! If any are intrested, all tankers are welcome to join. We are here to have fun, and enjoy this wonderfull game. (check sig for info, or the "tankers only" thread here in this forum).

    *waiting impatiently for these upcoming changes*
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm holding off on touching Super Strength until we tackle a somewhat greater issue with Tankers - namely that they lack that "comic book feel." Specifically, you'd like to see Super Strength be something somewhat, well, "Hulk-ish." But currently, Super Strength is a poor cousin to Scrapper powers - which seems somewhat out of place. Don't worry - what we're looking at as a fix for ALL Tankers addresses this issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The good news is that he/they are finally addressing the base issue I've always had, CoH Tanks aren't anywhere close to comic book like. The bad news, and why I am still concerned, is that it has taken 4-5 months from release, plus several months of beta to recoginze this fact.

    I am not sure what is possible at this point. Too big of a change, and they could do some serious damage to their player base. However, in my opinion, the entire tanker secondary lines should be scrapped and started over. And that is a huge change, but probably the only one that will produce my desired result.

    This dev team is the best though. The only other MMORPG I've been involved with was SWG, and these guys are infinatly better than they are, at least in acknowlaging problems, and puting quality first ahead of quantity.

    Maybe they will have to go as far as to create a 6th general AT (the Brick). They could be very similar to Scrappers, and have offensive primaries, but concentrate on extreme damage single targets, with nice defense. That gives a lot more options to existing players who like their meatshield, while allowing others to play what they really wanted, a comic book tough guy.
  4. Since this is now the "official" super strength thread, I'd like to reiterate my thoughts on the very poor animations of super strength.

    Jab: This is an uppercut. Replace with actual jab please
    Punch: I don't know what that is, but replace with current animation of Brawl
    Haymaker: Again, I don't know what that is, but I hear that Knockout blow is what Haymaker should be.
    Knockout blow: Perhaps replace with current Punch or Haymaker animation.

    The only new animation required is a jab. It is, in my opinion, a disgrase to give such a staple of super hero mythos such poor animations.