Cuppa's job is to try to make every one feel better. No matter how bad of a job the dev's will, could, or will ever do he will still play the same song. I'm not saying that makes cuppa bad, I'm just saying the song and dance is not necissarily true. Just playing the song and dancing the dance doesn't make the lyrics true.
When the community has an extremely large of amount of postings and reactions to a change and many of the posters put in a great deal of time putting together examples and data to support an opposing claim to what the dev's claims are and then all that work is ignored then that is bad.
Ignored? Yes ignored.
The dev's were never able to back up thier exaggerated claims. They were still determined to make the changes regardless. They were unwilling to admit thier claims were wrong and never posted alternate reasons for the changes.
I really do not see any other possible perception other than things along the lines of "the dev's do not care" and "the dev's ignore us".
If they ever actualy gave a reason for the changes then that would at least be something. Sure not everyone would agree with the changes still, but at least the dev's would have given a reason. Vague, unsupported "just because we think so and want to" gets the response they got.
If the dev's want more respect then they need to be the first to give it. They made the game, but we paid for it and continue to pay for it. If the dev's are going to make a change and they don't give a rip about anyone else or data then they should just say so, but giving an extremely vague answer and then presenting shoddy data to support it was horrible.
Waiting 30, 40, 50 or more pages to respond is also extremely bad. The original regen thread count shot up fast and Bob only knows what the true count is if you count all the posts on many threads that have have been created.
The dev's got the response they should expect when they ignore everyone.
Making exaggerated claims, then ignoring people, then ignoring data and experience from people that obviously play the game more than they do, then presenting data that doesn't even support the claim and then going live with it can only be percieved badly.
If they realized they couldn't support the original claim then at the very least they could say they were going forth with the nerf for reason's X, Y and Z.
I could buy them taking many factors in to account in determining whether to nerf or not, but the original representation appeared to state the obvious power of integration and IH being far and above better defensively than other sets. If they wanted to recant that, but then state they were still going with the changes due to the advantages of lower down times, faster xp rate, or what ever then they should just say so.
No offense intended, but I'm much more likely to believe what some one does, not what a spokesman says some one does.
The reall issue at hand is much greater than adjustments on one power or power sets. The issue's involved is the communication or lack there of with the community, the carring or lack there of, of the player base and the reason/philosophy behind all the changes taking place.
Continualy balancing the game through nerfs only is very bad.
As many have already posted it's getting old to hear from Statesman what is fun and what is not fun. Only Statesman can tell us what he thinks is fun. He may be able to tell us what his buddies, or personal think tank is fun, but he certainly can't tell everyone else what is fun for them; especially when many people are trying to tell him otherwise.
This only continues to support the notion that he does not listen the community. If many people are saying thier favorite color is blue, green or purple and he responds by saying our favorite color is red what other conclusion can we possibly make other than he isn't listening or that he just doesn't care?
He's acting like a scientist that just can't believe the test results and so he's throws them out the window exclaiming that they can't be right.
As also mentioned the dev's, including statesman himself, should seriouslly consider making game mechanic changes that the community wants to initiate. I know the possibility of players knowing more about how the game plays out more than the dev team would be a blow to thier ego's, but it's those ego's that can get in the way of the best changes in the game.
This is my first MMOG experience with an ever changing world and my opinion of it based on recent observation is very suspect.