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  1. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    Fhorar, here's a link to a great information source. I've keyed it specifically to the hero mission guide, and you'll notice little icons on the right side. Where you see the badge icon if you hover over it you'll see what badge it rewards.

    Red Tomax's Most Excellent Site

    Now, you'll still have to run the contact's missions for most of them until you get the mission you want up, but at least with this you'll have an idea which contact to cultivate till you get the mish you want.
  2. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    I'll stick around then as long as I can stay awake. I was really looking forward to seeing if the new system I set up allows me to run with better than minimum graphics.
  3. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    Okay, I'm trying to get to you guys but the servers are down?
  4. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    Oh I care, it's very interesting. At the same time I hate you! In a good way mind you, as I'm envious of your talent. My writing is so far inferior to yours it's not even funny.
  5. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    Re-schedule for tomorrow perhaps?
  6. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    That's 11am on the east coast, so I may not make it. I was beginning to lag before the servers crashed on Tuesday so I'll have to have a couple of extra cups of coffee to stay awake with you guys.
  7. I have noticed a preponderance of scrappers in my new SG, but playing my scrapper I've been the only melee toon in many groups. Personally I have probably a dozen scrappers spread across all the servers, but the highest is only level 37. I really enjoy playing them, but the various power sets are all so much fun I find it hard to focus on one for long enough to get one to 50. Now my energy/devices blaster on the other hand, was easy to focus on.
  8. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    Officer Kirby brought up a good point in the link he posted. Vent or Team Speak is always enjoyable. I don't have the hardware to run a server myself, nor do I have any friends who run one. Do any of you have such a set up already in place or access to one?

    When you guys get tired of me posting messages just say so. I spend eight hours a night sitting in front of a computer waiting for my phone to ring so I can help customers. Well, not all eight hours, probably only about six of them.
  9. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    What do you guys think about investing in the Leadership pool? With six of us running together it would provide some killer bonuses. I seriously doubt we could run Maneuvers and Assault toggles at the same time, I was thinking three people running each.

    Scrappers, Tankers and Blasters get 10.5% extra damage from Assault, Controllers 15% and Defenders 18.75%.

    Offenders (S/T/B) get 2.275% from Maneuvers, Controllers 2.625% and Defenders 3.5%.

    Using the group format we had today, Offenders run Assault for an extra 30% or so damage and Defenders and Controllers provide almost 10% defense from Maneuvers. Defense to all. Combined that with those excellent force fields and we'd be almost invincible.

    Just a suggestion, what do you guys think?

    Oh, and before I forget, I've never completed a Positron TF on any character, even though I've tried at least a dozen times. Can we do it? I know it's a huge chore, but if we start it at level 10 it would probably level us all the way to 15. And since we're a dedicated group finishing up over a couple of days wouldn't be a problem.
  10. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    I think we had a good first run. It was definitely fast, probably the fastest I've ever made it to level 7 on any character. Honestly, I'm used to a slightly slower pace myself, but with you guys behind me I just felt invincible today.

    I think we'll slow down naturally as we level, probably hitting our ideal stride around level 20. I think we need to plan ahead for what we intend though, as we're gonna hit 20 very quickly. I kind of like the idea of jsut doing radio missions, as we are serving PPD, but it's repetitive and could get boring quickly. I really enjoy doing story arcs and we could go all the way to 50 doing them.

    As for difficulty, I think we'd definitely be able to raise it for more of a challenge.

    And I'm cool with role playing as well, it will flow easier as we slow down.
  11. shawnculli

    Daybreak Patrol

    You've set the bar high with that one Caemgen. I can see I'll have to flesh out my own idea a bit more before I post it.

    Happy birthday TristynD.

    And I'm just returned to the game, so I'll pass on leading as well.