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  1. sevrum: lvl 50 science tanker. champion server
    primary power: stone
    secondary power: energy
    power pool: fitness
    power pool: teleport
    power pool: speed
    ancillary pool: pyre mastery

    i have all the invention enhancements made and stored except miracle +recov and regen tissue +regen to respec my 50stone/energy tank like the following:

    stone skin: aegis dmgrs, aegis dmgres/rech, 1io dmgres bonus (5%run)
    barrage: empty or 1acc
    earths embrace: numina heal, numina heal/rech, regen tissue heal/rech, regen tissue heal/endred/rech, aegis dmgres/rech, aegis dmgres/endred/rech bonus (12%regen, bout 9%run)
    bone smasher: 1io acc, crushing impact (CI) acc/dmg, CI acc/dmg/rech, CI acc/dmg/endred, CI dmg/endred, CI dmg/rech bonus (mezres immobe, HP, acc buff, 5%rech)
    rock armour: LOG increased rech, red fortune (RF) def, RF def/endred, RF def/rech, RF def/endred/rech, RF endred bonus (like almost 9%recharge with a dmg buff and other stuff)
    rooted: numina heal, numina heal/endred, numina heal/endred/rech, numina heal/rech, regen tissue heal/endred, regen tissue heal/endred/rech bonus (regen, HP, heal enhancement, 4%run)
    swift: 3io run
    recall friend: time space manipulation (TSM) +stealth (only bc i had it)
    teleport: jaunt range, jaunt range/endred, TSM range, TSM endred bonus (bout 12%regen)
    health: numina heal, numina heal/rech, regen tissue heal/rech, regen tissue +regen(still need), miracle +recove (still need) OR 4slot numinas with the 2regen tissue..havent decided bonus (regen, 4%run, recov OR regen, HP, heal enhancement, 4%run)
    whirling hands: sciroccos (scir) acc/dmg, scir acc/dmg/endred, scir lethal, scir dmg/endred, cleaving blow (CB) acc/dmg, CB dmg/endred bonus (regen, resnegative, acc buff, recov)
    stamina: 3io endmod
    taunt: 1io taunt
    hasten: 3io rech
    mudpots: 3io endred, 2io taunt (1-2 taunts pending on wat i do with health's slotting)
    buildup: 3io rech
    minerals: 2cytoskeleton hamis
    granite: aegis dmgres, aegis dmgres/rech (till i get dmgres/endred), 1io dmgres, LOG increased rech, LOG def, 1io def bonus (5%run, regen, 5%rech)
    energy transfer: 2nucleolus hamis, mako acc/dmg, mako lethal, mako acc/dmg/endred/rech, mako dmg/rech bonus (mezres immobe, HP, dmg buff)
    total focus 2nucleolus hamis, mako acc/dmg, mako lethal, mako acc/dmg/endred/rech, mako dmg/rech bonus (mezres immobe, HP, dmg buff)
    char: empty or 1acc
    fireblast: empty or 1acc
    fireball: 1io acc, positron (pos) acc/dmg, pos energy, pos dmg/rech, pos acc/dmg/endred, pos dmg/rech bonus (recov, fire/cold res, acc buff, 6.25% rech--%?)
    super speed: 1io run
    sprint: 1io jump
    rest: 1io rech

    almost there but the run speed % add to about 30% on top of watever swift is, tho only granite OR rock armour can be toggled.....not sure if bonus sets still compile unless toggles are up and running. same as the recharge at about 25% from bonuses. might swap out crushing impact on bonesmasher for the same set up as ET and TF with nucs/makos, will hav to see wat its like with all the recharge.
  2. outstanding post. my fave toon is my stone/energy tanker. my question is how do you find time to use all those attks? i tried slotting 6attks (jus wanted to see jumpkick in granite hehe) but i didnt hav time to use all my attks so i went back down to the big 4, bonesmasher, whirling, ET and TF and yea having conserv pwer as my only epic. NOW i wanna change to pyre epic for fireball for a lil better aggro back to possibly 6attks. with my invention enh i can actually pop BS, ET 2x and TF once b4 buildup expires while in rock armor/rooted. thas crazy dmg! in granite with one sb i can get that same chain off in granite, while hasten is on in both circumstances.
  3. question about fire as a secondary. i have made an electric/fire blaster (havent played him in over a month) but had an idea but am not sure if it will work. i was wondering if you cast the sentinal then toggle pff epic while already having blazing aura/hot feet on if you would deal all the dmg having pff on or if u can even hav blazing/hot feet toggled while pff is on. blaster freak transformed into a tank/kin troller talkin. was jus an idea outta curiosity since u can nearly herd then nuke with pff