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  1. Atm i am doing the hero morality mission Fire in the hole, i've attempted the mission three times already and still the same thing. I rescue the guy, the secretary, and the security chief, then i get the take care of Blast furnace objective. Kill him and all of my objectives disappear all it says on the top is REscue all the hostages then deal with blast furnace. I've scoured the WHOLE map at least 20 minutes each time i have done the mission and nothing. There's nothing left to rescue and nothing left to kill. Exit the mission and the mission marker just leads me back inside.
  2. I did this a lot in Talos too. It's like buying quad damage and running around blowing things up Quake style.

    Also, for those that don't know (and I know there are because I still meet lvl 40+ players that don't know this), if you right click on the inspiration you want to buy, then press B you will buy it. And if you press B twice really fast, you'll buy 2 of them.
  3. I'm a lvl 50 Storm/Rad defender. Thunderclap with Hasten will stack and work on Lieutenants, but only for about 5-10 sec. I have Thunderclap with 1 acc, 5 Disorient SOs.

    I took all the storm powers except for Tornado. Gale seemed useless to me at first but will become useful later in pushing enemies into corners because it's a lot quicker than to push enemies with hurricane, especially those that resist the hurricane's push-back.