I suggested a 3-issue stretch, though:
Phase 1 - "reclaiming" an area. More NPC presence, but with a "military" feel. Heroes are assigned missions to start rooting out the groups that have taken hold.
Phase 2 - Rebuilding. Aside from *more* new missions, there are dynamic spawns - protect the construction crews, guard the onvoys, that sort of thing. Much like the Steel Canyon fires.
Phase 3 - Reclaimed. THere are still pockets of strong gang activity, but for the most part, it's down to a normal zone.
Now, how would that work for Faultline? The dam, of course.
"Due to the continuing attacks on the Terra Volta reactor, the city has decided it's past time to reclaim the dam in Overbrook, now known as Faultline."
For the most part, it would be the same - with a defended corridor (lots of sandbags, bridges, etc - superspeeders delight) between the entrance and the dam, and heroes being assigned to go in and check the dam.... which, of course, means bad guys can go in, too.
Don't have it as a trial initially - right now you're checking things out. Second issue, start the trial again... as well as give some incentive to street sweep (again, protect the construction crews and the like.)
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I do really like the idea of protect the construction crew idea you could even make it like hotspots in the pvp zone sirens call but make it a PvE thing so say there's like 20 or so crew in a area and 5 or 6 groups of villains try to kill them and make them different groups so like 3 clock works and 3 embalmed one's groups attack the same crew group at a time. Taking that even further you could make it a limited time badge say protect 200 groups of crew and you get a badge that is only available during the reconstruction of fault line this would get a lot of people into that zone badge hunters would be flocking to it and as a incentive to non badge hunters you could give it so that every time you successfully help defend the crew it gave exp like a mission complete bonus only a reduced amount say 50% of normal for only the people in range of the zone levels that would give non badge hunters a reason to protect the crew as well. I do know that if they did this I would defiantly be there with my badge hunting toon as well as some of my toons around the level of 20.