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  1. kic


    I agree fully. While I consider it possible that some folks, many even, are running around with speed boost, should it be so powerful that it completely negates many powers that are designed to slow? That seems...unbalanced.

    And if all of these people that are getting out of the slow powers aren't using this and just using, say, super speed by itself, is that right? This is a case where testing needs to be done since there's a lot of unknowns.
  2. kic


    Allow me to point you to this thread I started a couple of days ago:
    You click here.

    There seems to be some debate as to whether they're working or broken in PvP. I don't think there's any debate about their PvE usefulness, but I am yet to experience anything other than frustration with using them in PvP. Teleporting someone into them only to have them instantly run out of them seems a little...odd.