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Jay smirked. "I'll be sure to tell him that before he jumps at you," he said, taking another swig of his beer. He listened to the bartender tell Ildela about the Corlax infestation in a warehouse nearby, and couldn't help but feel curious. He almost asked how much he would pay, but then stopped himself. He would see if Ildela asked.
"Rosemary, nice," Spencer said nodding, taking a sip of his drink before he continued "Well, not too bad. Got a nice house in Cap and a pretty good amount of money in the bank," He paused for a moment, thinking whether or not to show someone in the Rogue Isles a large amount of money, but decided to anyways. "Yo, Jay!" he shouted, getting the bald man's attention. Spencer clapped his hands and held them out. Jay got the message and tossed the duffel bag to him, Spencer catching it and laying it on the bar.
Spencer zipped open the bag and let Rosemary get a look at all the money in it, literally bursting at the seams with it. "Man, the bank in Steel Canyon is loaded," He re-zipped the bag and dropped it by his feet. "So," he asked "What's your big dream for today?" -
"Oh," Jack said, somewhat surprised the answer hadn't been rude "I'm Jack," He paused for a moment, then said "Yeah, just Jack. Kind of plain, but hey." He heard Rose's voice pop into his head, they way he heard all the team's communications. "Sure, I'll be right there," As he took off, he noticed the downed driver of the van suddenly became almost clothes-less. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion but kept flying.
Jay smirked as he heard Ildela. He glanced over at her and whispered "Don't worry about it, the kid's a sap for the blondes," He took a sip of his drink and blinked back the tears, his throat burning before he continued "Although if he strikes out with her, you'll be his next target," He took another sip and glanced over at the fights going on. He didn't place any bets yet, but he had his ideas about who was going to win.
Spencer looked at her curiously. Throwing things at bosses didn't usually come up so easily, but he shrugged it off. "Eh, nothing much, same as most of the people in the Isles. Just want to make a nice living then retire early," He nodded his thanks as he received his drink and took a long swig at it, barely resisting the urge to cough it back up. "Strong stuff," he muttered, placing the cup back on the table.
"Sorry, I'm Spencer," he said "I didn't catch your name" -
Jay listened to the list and thought for a second, then turned to his partner, asking "Hey Spence, wanna try the..." He tapered off, noticing that Spencer was still looking at the girl he had mentioned earlier. Jay sighed and said "We'll try two of the Makos Bite" he said, then slapped his partner behind his head. "Huh? What?" the man said, swiveling on his chair and raising an eyebrow at Jay.
"Don't even try," Jay began, but Spencer said anyways "I'm gonna go talk to her," As his partner walked away, Jay sighed, muttering under his breath.
"How ya doing?" Spencer asked, sliding up to the bar next to the Nightwidow. He looked around slowly, "Not too bad of a place," -
Jack swore as his mental probe fell short, failing because of the range. "Dang..." he muttered, before and after seeing the the van crash to the ground. He floated there in the air for a moment before dropping to the ground and walking towards them slowly. As he arrived, he caught the giant flash of Photon Seekers and the crater it left. "Dang, that was actually pretty cool," he commented to Pax.
The mentalist froze. He looked back at Pax and frowned. "Don't I..." he started muttering, then stopped. "Nevermind," he said, then cocked his head slightly to the side when he saw Gentleman Bones. "Who are you?" -
Near the docks, the water suddenly moved slowly, then quickly rose to an eruption as a submarine exploded out of the sea, sending drops of water everywhere. The hatch on top slowly opened, but revealed no one there. After a couple of seconds, a face emerged like it had been there all along. Short brown hair with a black hood laying restless on his shoulders, he looked down into the hatch and smiled.
"S'all good Jay, get the bag," he called, climbing out of the sub. He had an open black jacket which explained the hood, and underneath that a white shirt that had a couple of straps going around it, holding something. He had black jeans and a brown leather belt holding them up, completing the whole thing with big, black boots.
Next came up Jay, a bald man with a short beard. He also had an open black jacket, except underneath he had a heavy gray shirt that held bullet-proof armoring. He had regular blue jeans and a black belt with brown boots. In his hand was a large black duffel bag, seeming to be stuffed to the top with whatever was inside.
"Without a hitch," Jay said smiling, and hefted the duffel bag for emphasis. "Well, what should we do now?" the other man, Spencer asked. They were contemplating this for all of half a second before they both said "Get hammered!" and jump onto the deck.
The two men entered the Den, seeing a small assortment of customers. "Not too shabby," Spencer commented as they made their way to the bar, sitting a couple seats down from the thug. "Two rounds of some heavy stuff, please," Jay asked while Spencer looked closer at the other people. Spencer whistled quietly "Dang, lookit that fox," he said, indicating the blonde with a movement of his head. "She's out of your league," Jay laughed, laying down a twenty for the drinks, and probably many more. -
"Sorry" Blake muttered under his breath, the y sounding more like a prolonged ee. "We're in Rhode Island, " the kid said, noticed it wasn't very particular and continued "Paragon City, in the Galaxy City part, district, whatever you want to call it." He shrugged now, saying "That's as particular as I can get. There's a gas station around here somewhere where you can buy a map,"
Blake listened to the lizard and was confused for a second before making the connection. "Oh, right, the giant-wolf-thing. 'Dun worry about it," -
((Name change I see))
Blake's heart skipped a beat when the lizard talked. His mind flashed back to an island with talking lizards and time-traveling Warshades. He mentally shook it off, trying to think calmly " That was just a dream. A really, really weird dream," He managed to pay enough attention to most of the lizard's words, along with Alex's. Blake stopped retreating backwards, but didn't show any signs of letting down his guard, either.
"Sorry, not every day I run into talking lizards," the boy apologized, then shrugged slightly and continued "And I don't think I know Captain Fuzzbucket or where your jacket is," Blake hesitated for a moment, then motioned towards the lizard, asking "What's with all the, uh, blood?" -
As Blake and Alex turned the corner, Blake stifled a yell as he saw the lizard-thing covered in blood, crouching there and staring at them. His eyes widened and he took an involuntary step back. He stood there for a few seconds before whispering to Alex "I think we should run," He slowly started taking a step backwards, glancing over his shoulder and see how far away the corner was. He quickly looked back at the thing, hoping it wouldn't move, or better yet, move away.
((I believe I followed everything correctly, if I have something wrong, please tell me))
As the van blasted off and the ninjas went blank, Jack smacked one around for the heck of it. "Hah, this is kind o-" he started before being blown backwards from the explosion, knocking into a nearby wall, making a considerable dent in it. "Owww..." Jack moaned, before looking apologetically at Rose. "No, sorry, didn't mean I need healing, just mean that, y'know, I got" he said, standing up before shaking his head and ending his ramble with a "Never mind"
Jack looked out the gaping hole the van had left and saw the trailing smoke it had left behind. He had a brainstorm and quickly flew out the hole after the van, not hoping to catch it, but sending out a mental tracking device. If it actually reached the van and there was anything that remotely used a brain, Jack would be able to know where it was at all times. If he was out of reach or there was nothing using a brain, well, he was SOL. -
I didn't read all of the thread, so I don't know if this has been answered, but I'm assuming we can save an unfinished arc, yes?
I.E. I'm building a super-awesome 5 mission arc, and I am currently creating the boss you need to defeat to beat the mission. Well, turns out I have to go. Can I save my first mission, what I have done to my second mission and the work I have done to the final boss? -
"Ow" Blake said, smiling "Don't need to punch so hard" He rubbed his arm teasingly before following her and walking out, the relatively nice day ruined by the police cars rushing down the street, sirens blaring. "It's the fuzz" the teen said, frowning before keeping pace with Alex back towards home, praying the cops didn't stop them and not looking back.
"Don't know why Paragon even has cops" Blake said, the sirens making him nervous "The heroes always do the work anyways" -
Jack swore loudly as his mental strike had no effect at all, except for drawing attention. He got booted to the ground, and was getting ready to go to melee before a Kheldian swiped it into a wall. "I'm going to a new planet. This one is to defensive nowadays," Jack grumbled to himself as a Bane Mace appeared in his hand. Grumbling to himself, he neared his offender and shot off a blast of energy, knocking it back into the wall.
He was withing melee range as the machine started to rise again. Jack rose the Mace above his head with both hands and slammed it down with all his might, crushing in it's skull. Jack rose it again and slammed it down, then repeated twice. The mentalist laughed, more of a bark, and made to turn to another cyborg before the one he supposedly 'killed' started to regenerate. All the damage the man did seemingly disappeared, the cyborg running towards him.
As Jack gave up and tried to fly towards the ceiling, a black tendril grabbed his foot. He noticed the figures coming out of the blackness and yet again, swore. "I'm getting sick of this" he mumbled, shooting off another energy blast. -
Blake returned the short hug and laughed. "You saved my butt? Aren't I the one that told you to go and then blew the thing up?" He sighed and nodded "I do owe you a pizza though. Gimme a call and we'll go somewhere that's not trashed" His good mood was temporarily ruined when Erik announced that there were more wolves, but corrected himself as one evidently died.
When Alex asked Erik her question, Blake got slightly mad that he didn't answer. He mentally shrugged it off, thinking he was slightly put off by the wolf attack, Blake knew he was. "I might head home and chill out. Unless you want to head to another pizza place where we can face off with a giant wolf, because that was so fun" He smiled and started for the exit. -
Blake shielded his eyes from the explosion of the wolf, although smiling. As the wolf dashed out of the Pizza Port, the teen sighed in relief. He flashed a smile, saying "I'll take that as a compliment" to Erik. As Erik's powers washed over him, Blake closed his eyes and smiled. "And thanks, for that and the backup" he added, then looked out into the street where several burning parts of the wolf could be seen.
He nodded at the newcomer who had just missed the action, saying "Yeah, who do you think it is this time? Crey, maybe?" Blake loomed around the trashed place, his eyes falling on the now broken Freedom Phalanx game. His head snapped back towards Erik "Hey, did Alex get out o-" he had started before Alex herself ran in. "Hey," he said, smirking "Fancy meeting you here" -
Jack let the bubble envelop him, inspecting it and 'oohhing' at it's shiny-ness. "I love these things" he muttered to no one in particular. A large crash interrupted him, causing Jack to whip his head around as most of the group headed for a nearby warehouse. Jack flew after them, landing on the roof as a lizard-thing jumped down a hole. Jack stuck his head inside the roof and looked around, seeing a Kheldian fighting robots, or cyborgs, or zombies, whatever an evil villain had in mind today.
Jack hopped down the hatch and landed soundlessly, assessing the situation carefully. He shrugged to himself and shot a small psychic blast at one of the suited men. If it had any effect his head would snap back like being hit by a rock, but it did little, if any, damage. -
((I'm back now, with internets
As the wolf leaped Blake lunged. The beast landed on him and pinned him to the ground, Blake's sword having the effect of singing a couple of hairs. As it reared it's head back to strike an eight ball smacked it hard in the head, causing it to jump off and chase someone else. Blake, thinking it was a hero that was more fit to handle the situation and wasn't Alex, lay back and sighed his vision blurry.
As he tried to stand up a wave of nausea overfilled him and he fell back down with a thud. "Ow..." he muttered drunkenly, rolling onto his stomach and attempting to get on his knees. Blood dripped from his head in monotonous drops, causing a small puddle. He did his best to ignore it and stood up, leaning against a nearby chair for support. He caught the sight of Alex running out the door and Erik throwing pool balls at the wolf without touching them. Blake's first immediate thought was That's pretty cool , but he mentally shrugged it off.
The teen's hands lit up with a small bang, just as Soren walked in. Blake ignored him and threw a ball of orange flame at the wolf, the thing shrugging it off like an annoying bug. Blake's shoulders fell as he saw the effect, and tried to think of anything that would help. He scanned the place quickly and saw toppled chairs, tables, the counter, games. He quickly snapped his head back at the counter and thought for a second before half running and half stumbling over to it, going in and looking at the ground. He caught sight of a small hatch and opened it, revealing a small ladder down into the kitchen.
Blake slid down and looked around desperately for what he wanted, finding it almost immediately. He emerged back onto the main floor with a bucket in his hand. He slid over the counter and stumbled towards the wolf, praying he didn't drop the bucket in his hands. As he was within range, he leaned back and threw the bucket forward, cooking oil flying through the air and splashing the wolf.
It cocked it's head back and glared at him, growling deeply. Blake snapped, a small orb of fire erupting between his thumb and forefinger. He threw it at the wolf, hoping that with all the oil it has covering it, it would be burnt to a crisp. -
((I might not be able to post either, in Maine and only connection to the outside world is my itouch. I'll try to post as soon as I can.))
Jack took the beacon and slipped it into his pocket, nodding his thanks. "I believe I'll board the train with you guys" he said as he followed them towards the station. He saw the Dr. pay, and knew Stahlhund just sneaked by. Jack walked right behind the Dr., getting stopped by the guard in front of him.
"Sir, I don't believe you bought a ticket. I'm going to have to-" the man started before he stopped, his eyes went blank and he stood to the side stock still. "S'what I thought" Jack said shortly, smiling before he boarded the train. -
Blake was in trouble, and he knew that. He gave up trying to attack and sped backwards, attempting to dodge the oncoming blow. As Alex did the combo, the lights flickered and went out. Blake swore under his breath and looked around the blackness before someone bumped into him and grabbed him. "Hey, what are-" he started before he recognized Alex's voice. "Sorry" he said absently, trying to keep away from the mob of people before he heard a loud bark.
"A dog?" Blake said before he could stop himself. The darkness was starting to unnerve him before a ball of fire erupted near the ceiling of the room like a giant candle. Blake seemed to ignore it like it was an everyday occurrence while he took a look around. He immediately wished he hadn't as he saw the biggest wolf-dog-thing he had ever seen come in the doors, eyeing the crowd of teens like a buffet.
Blake swore again on impulse and the wolf whipped it's head around, glaring at him. Blake looked at the wolf, then at Alex, then back at the wolf. "Go" he said shortly, ripping Alex off his arm and dashing towards the pool tables. As soon as he moved the wolf dashed after him, knocking down teens and arcade machines and anything that was in it's way. Blake slid under a pool table as the wolf almost caught him, instead the beast destroying the table, splinters showering everywhere.
The teen grabbed a pool stick and used both hands to smash it on the ground, breaking it in two. The end snapped off and flew against the wall, Blake holding on to the end, the stick now having a sharp end like a knife. The boy and the wolf stood there for a moment, facing each other before the beast lunged. Blake swung the stick like a baseball bat at the animal's face, succeeding only in breaking the stick again. He got thrown backwards and smashed into a wall, blood starting to come down the side of his head.
Blake blinked twice, then got up slowly and groaned. "Damn" he said slowly and painfully, then glanced at his 'weapon' and sighed. He shrugged to himself and ran at the wolf. As the beast swiped at him he slid under it, jamming the sharp end of the pool stick into it's stomach. He rolled out from under it and stood up, hoping to see the wolf fall to the ground dead. Instead it grabbed at the pool stick until it broke off, the wolf looking unharmed.
Blake swore, again, and circled his shoulders, sighing. "Lets do it the hard way, then" he said, and snapped his fingers. Instantly, a circle of fire erupted around the wolf, causing it to howl and sneer at the fire like it was a living being. Blake's hands suddenly lit up, engulfed in orange flame. The wolf howled and jumped above it's cage, trying to land on the teen. A sword appeared in Blake's hand made of pure flames. Blake smiled widely. "Let's dance, buddy" -
Blake smiled when Synapse knocked down Positron, but as soon as the speeder hit the ground, Alex threw a huge ball of Cosmic stuff at him, sending Blake's character to the ground. He jammed up and Synapse jumped, shooting off another small electricity shot. Synapse landed and Alex hit him with a melee combo, Blake jamming on the block button halfway through. He snapped a look at Synapse's health bar and swore under his breath as it was only a quarter full.
"Nah," Blake said, smiling "I still got a couple tricks up my sleeve" He didn't really, but saying that made him feel better. Since Posi was in melee range, Blake pressed a quick combo that shot electricity out in a circle, then went to button mashing with quick shots and combos, trying to keep Positron from flying again. -
When the names of the top ten players came rolling down the screen, Blake recognized ALM immediately and got a little scared. I'm lucky if I make half the score of the last person on that list... he thought, then shrugged it off as the loading screen came up, showing a picture of Grandville and Lord Recluse. "You wish. I could beat you with one arm tied behind my back" he said and smiled.
He wouldn't really do that because, well, he was already doubtful he was going to win anyways. As the loading bar filled and the in-game announced Round One had started, Blake was stunned by how fast Alex pushed the buttons. Well, he could push them that fast, but she did a combo, he just smashed on them.
"Geez, I shoulda stayed with five bucks" Blake said as she shot a radiation thing at his character then took to the air, leaving him in the dust. He jammed on Synapse's little electrical throw, although that was the character's weakest move and did practically nothing. Blake could make Synapse double jump and then he could reach Positron, but that's a one-shot blow.
"Come on you stupid speeder" Blake muttered angrily, slapping the side of the machine lightly before going back to button mashing. He double-jumped with Synapse and did an overhand smash with some electricity thrown in, hoping it would knock the flier to the ground. -
Blake returned the handshake and smiled. It wasn't just about money now, it was about dignity. "Choose the nerd," Blake said, cracking his knuckles "I got Synapse" He walked with her over to the game, hopping from foot to foot and circling his shoulders like a boxer getting ready for a match. He smiled and got ready to mash buttons like no tomorrow.