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  1. I don't have an Ice/Dev yet... what I do have however is an Enrgy Blast/Dev and stalkers seriously hate me. I built him so he can see stalkers and have the fire power to kill them fast. It's pretty nasty how every stalker in the zone will soon target you when you are picking them off 1 by 1. Now before any stalker lovers start yelling at me let me say that I have 2 stalkers that do incredibly well in pvp. My best stalker is my energy/energy. But I like having different toons for pvp so I can adjust to a situation. My blaster is just a pure nightmare for stalkers. They can placate but i can still see them.... and as soon as I can target them again... BLAHM!

    But..... I took Caltrops and have them slotted but I find I don't use them much if at all. My webnade plants pesky flyers and my blasts do the rest. I rolled an ice/dev but the grind to pvp level sucks if you build for pvp and skip over the AoE's.

    My 2 cents
  2. darzik

    B.U.D.O. Samurai

    Oops I forgot to mention that
  3. darzik

    B.U.D.O. Samurai

    We just created an all Samurai SG on pinnicle and we don't care about bases or prestige or any of that nonsense. Just fun Samurai Roleplaying.

    If you have Samurai armor and would like to join just for the fun of it go to pinnicle and make a toon.... any AT is welcome as long as you have the armor. Then send Zatoichi Myamoto a message and you will get an instant invite once I get the message. It's that simple. Then we can all team up in our armor.... quote japanese movies and anime or whatever.... and have a few laughs.

    Hope to see you there

    * If for some reason you can't contact me send me a message here with your name and I'll invite you*
  4. I have a lvl 50 illu/storm troller... actuall it was my first 50. Anyway..... I have never respec'ed it for pvp and I would like to do so. Can anyone posted a sample pvp build especially for Sirens Call?

    I plan on doing the respec this week but want to really investigate this a bit before I take the plunge.

  5. I have to agree with you about Dev's. The most successful blasters I fight are most often dev's. Especially the ones who know how to set up correctly.
  6. Hi all

    My friend and I have been playing CoH/CoV since the beginning and we have had our share of experiences in the game. Recently we decided to create a "Just For Fun" SG of all Dominators called Power Pixies. If you would like a change of pace and want to join an SG that doesn't care about prestige or base raids or anything like that come join us. All you have to have is a good attitude and the willingness to create a Pixie with elemental powers..... Plants, thorns, fire, ice and so on. If interested look up Tree Pixie on the Pinnicle server. Below is the basic look of the toon. We are as small as we could possibly make them and we are silly as heck. In PvP we rock and have a good time doing it. No ego's... now THAT's awesome

    Pixie 1
    Pixie 2
    Pixie 3
  7. Looks like a decent build with the exception of SS. I personally don't like SS because without hurdle travel can be a pain. SJ and flight are my two favorites and I usually only use SJ for brutes.

    I most likely will take flight but can you quickly explain why you chose SS. Just curious
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    and for the record, I have other games to play. I'm just concerned that a game company I love is hurting itself.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I agree 100%. Read my post above. A bit off subject but touches on the same overall problem.
  9. I have said it from day one that the actual "marketing” and “Customer Relations” people must be ignored by the control freak, computer geek programmers.

    For example, just the nerfs alone that piss just about 90% of the gamers off is tell tail of the goings on with the CoH administration. Marketing and Customer Relations is important for a reason. They listen to what the people who are PAYING have to say and try to make them happy. Unfortunately the CoH team is not listening to their customers and are doing whatever THEY want.

    Last night someone actually said this:
    "You are paying to play THEIR game... there is nothing you can do about it."

    THEIR game?!?! Doesn't that sound like someone who has never had a sales job in their life? Or someone who has never successfully started and run a business?

    Yes THEY created the game and the game was once great but nerf after nerf from issue to issue is not making the customers happy.

    I log on and read all the broadcasts. I don't see people saying "Wooo Hooo these changes are GREAT!". Instead I'm reading how angry people are that they have to try and figure out how to respec their toon that they spent so long on….. YET AGAIN! In fact, I spent hours trying to un-nerf my illusion/storm controller. I finally figured out a build that was acceptable (still not as good as the pre-nerf) and did the official respec. Not even 3 weeks later they nerf me AGAIN!

    As I stated..... this is not making the CUSTOMERS of CoH happy. I'm sick of hearing the occasional person say "Well if you don’t like it don't play. CoH doesn't need you anyway." Hey I understand that my insignificantly small membership fee won't greatly impact the pockets of the creators of the game but I'm sure I'm not alone in my sentiment. A little in abundance adds up to a lot. A perfect example of this is Ford Motor Company. Ford was once king of the automotive industry only to become a joke later on when they started making crap cars that were far inferior to other cars. So what did Ford do after losing millions of dollars to the "other" car makers? They started listening to their CUSTOMERS again.

    I predict CoH coming to an end in the very near future if they keep with their present mind set, and CoV will never reach the level of popularity that CoH once had. The makers of this game have to LISTEN to their customers and stop making our characters weaker and weaker. Instead of nerfing us why not try to make more challenging missions or different kinds of enemies.

    Wise up.