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  1. And that the mercenary did. Or at least, close enough for his taste.

    The bad guys were falling like flies.

    Jack slowly tried to get up, but was tossed in the back seat by the janitor.

    "*cough* no more janitor jokes." He smiled weakly. "Are the girls safe me amigo?"

    He looked up at Penny and Milly.

    "Ahhh, gracias, you saved me my other shoulder."
  2. One of the goons tried to grab her, but Jack suddenly stood up and aimed, forgetting himself for a second. He aimed and fired.

    And time slowed down.

    The bullet slammed into the guy's face, instantly killing him.

    As for Jack, several bullets streaked for him.

    But instead of saving himself he motioned for Penny to run.

    Suddenly two bullets slammed into his shoulder, knocking him down. The good thing was this saved him from the other bullets that quickly hit the car.

    "Me and saving freaking damsels in distress *cough*"
  3. The mercenaries smiled.

    "We have a bombs on us, and sniper friends all around you. We will kill ourselves if we have to."

    Suddenly there was a click behind the security guards. Several cloaked figures decloked behind them. "Drop your weapons comrade, you and the girls die."

    The Mexican stand off was very quickly turning in the bad guys favor....

    On the floor he had landed in from the teleport Jack was not far from the stairs. He quickly raced down and sprinted out to the parking lot.

    Then he saw the bad guys.

    "Great. Just [censored] great."

    He suddenly realized that they were all in a parking lot....

    Jack ran over to the nearest car, ducking down. He grabbed a rock and tossed it into the windows. As the car alarm went off the bad guys turned around to shoot whoever had just done that....

    And the security guards had their chance. Jack quickly jumped out in front of the bad guys, running and shooting wildly. He was a deadly good aim and two of the bad guys fell silently before they could return fire.
  4. "Copy that moving to capture subjects."

    The van drove over to where Penny and Milly where.

    And 4 armed gunmen jumped out.

    "Get in the van or we blow your [censored] head off and sell it to the [censored] Vahzilok, capiche?"

    Vasquez's teleport was a success. Jack landed safely inside the building.

    The man that was frozen fell and crashed on the ground allright. Meanwhile the others flew away at top speed on their jetpacks.

    One of them muttered under his breath, "Freaking security. Next time we shuold just blow the whole place up...."

    He turned to his commander. "Ever watch 24 mate? I got an idea about Tharomar...."
  5. Light Strike was surprised at how hard it was as he got ready to start the challenge.

    "Anyone here watch Survivor? I got solid bets down that none of the guys on that show could out do any of us at this kind of a trial." With that he stood there smiling on the bamboo pole.

    He focused his mind. Yes he was tired, but he wouldn't fall asleep at the switch. No, he'd just focus a part of his mind, the part that was easily distracted, to solving a very long arithmatic problem while the other part of his mind focused on balance.
  6. The soldiers stopped firing a moment. They then suddenly turned around and sprinted back up the stairs to the roof.

    "Evac proceedure 101 Alpha. Subject Maltans attacking base. Go go go!" To cover their tracks they tossed behind a smoke grenade.

    But Jack was hot on their tails. He sprinted after them, laser rifle blasting them in the back as they ran for their extraction. They reached the roof and prepared to jump off the skyscraper.

    "Jetpacks on!" They all pushed a button and the backpacks they had on truned into jetpacks.

    Jack suddenly grabbed one and snapped his neck. He moved flidly afterwards, trying to shoot their leader. The commandos just closed to melee range and tossed Jack over the building.

    "Command this is unit 201 Alpha, en route home. Mission aborted."
  7. One of the commandos noticed him run. Not being foolish enough to get in melee range he tossed a flashbang grenade at Tharmoar and switched firing modes to the under the barrel projectile launcher or UBPL.
  8. ((The security here should be fully equiped for terrorist attacks.))
  9. Outside one of the commandos in the van pulled out a sniper rifle...

    "target aquired."

    Suddenly he fired the laser right at the guy with the cryo beam.

    Other commandos in the hallway did the same.

    Jack pushed Vasquez out of the way as several shots nearly got him. Jack then turned and sprayed three more of the commandos.

    "There armor is too thick!"
  10. ((Lol wheres Essex to ask the commandos to all get along?))
  11. "Open fire!"

    The commandos in Tharomar's office opened fire on Vasquez's men as they came in. Their own body armor should be far superior.

    The squads from the roof finally reached the outside of Tharomar's office. They too joined against Vasquez.

    But one of them lagged behind. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind by Jack. Moving quickly Jack picked up the laser rifle and opened fire on the commandos.

    "Vasquez! Can't you teleport me or something man?"
  12. The squad rapelled down the side of the building and reached Tharomar's office. They quickly kicked in whatever glass was left and ran in. Immediately they brought their sights up on Tharomar.....

    At the sound of the explosion Jack sprinted down the hall. But before he could reach Tharomar he heard the 5 other squads kick down the door to the roof and race down. He stopped and quickly ran behind a corner as they came.

    "I wish I had a gun...."
  13. ((CRYO CANNON? Call in the Malta goons now!))

    The rocket would slam into the office at any moment now. On cue 6 squads of elite commandos attacked.

    Some of them had used teleporters, others stealth suits. They were now on the roof of the building, all armed with laser rifles and a new prototype body armor. As they moved out one squad prepared to rapel down the side of the building while the others stormed it.
  14. "You know me, gotta give my report to the boss on my way out." With that Jack kept on going towards Tharmoar's office.
  15. ((SOVIET? Great, I finally make a Reikoff esque character and Soviet is guarding the place! Great. I better post while he's not here.))

    The man with the tube weapon aimed and fired at the place they all knew was the office of Tharomar. Quickly they got back in the van and watched the fireworks.
  16. (( I can't help myself, I'm gonnna add only one other guy to this thread. And before he does what only a bad guy on 24 could do what security does the skyscraper have?))

    The van pulled to a stop outside the skyscraper. Quickly the occupants in back got out. Two of them in back pulled out their Uzis while the last one pulled out a tubular weapon.

    "Aim for the guy's office."
  17. ((he still has another meeting coming. I made my guy stop and say hi to Essex's character but I don't know how long I should wait before just going on without her response.))
  18. The hooded figure smiled and walked over.

    "Well I guess my identity can't remain secret for long.."

    With that he too went into the waterfall, in his boxers.

    He wasn't that old, barely 23. He was actually a handsome guy.

    But surely someone would recognize he was no hero. At least not now.

    Static Therapy was once a hero. Then he had joined Arachnos, gotten put in the Zig, borken out, and secretely been undercover for Longbow for the past year. That was of course still secret.

    Jack followed the Sensei.

    "May I ask something sensei? Do you not think that the boys and girls will... develop romantic attractions to each other over there?"

    (Just asking the obvious man.
  19. ((I forgot to post it, but my character's name is Jack Parson.))

    Jack got off the elevatror and began walking to Mr. Tharomar's office. On the way he saw Milly and Penny. "Hey guys, is it that time already?"
  20. ((I don't think my computer posted my entry to this Rp. Posting later if it didn't))
  21. "Forgive me sensei, but I'm a teacher here for Mountain." Wack Jack wakled up to him and bowed.

    "It's an honor to teach."

    Back at Tempest Light Strike sat down on the rocks comfortably.

    He could tell they were all looking at him as he sat there.

    "What, I learned how to survive worse before."
  22. Light Strike followed Hotaka and the others from Tempest.

    "Well, this should be very interesting."

    Meanwhile the hooded man and Wack Jack began walking across to the Mountain school.

    "So what's your story?" Jack asked as they walked.

    "I cannot tell you."

    "Why? One of those ninja things? I'll tell ya one thing, you ain't no ninja. Your stance gave it away. That and the way you talk."

    "Hmmm." the hooded man was surprised by the other man.

    "I still cannot tell you, though you are becoming persistant."

    "Call me Jack."
  23. ((I unfortuinately regeret to in form you all that......

    I'm leaving this forum.

    You can begin crying now lol. This thing ain't my speed. Besides, i''ve been getting busier and wont be able to make the hectic posting schedule for this thing. Sorry ya'll.))

    Static coughed. Suddenly he vomited and turend bakc to normal. "Blightlord you scum!" Then he looked at his watch.

    "I'll get you next twime!" His parents arrived to pick him up. The same for Dr. Kaos and Radeator.
  24. ((I will try my hand. My first 2 characters would fit under this catagory, but i'm only gonna make one character for this thing and I'm gonna keep it simple. Please don't boo me out yet. Yet.))

    In his brown leather jacket, black t-shirt, and blue jeans he looked like some average guy on the street. He sat calmly at his seat, finishing his report for Mr. Tharomar.

    Finished he stood up. He had just finsihed his report on a recent attack on one of the corporation's office in Rockell by smoe wacko from Crey. He walked casually to the elevator to take him to the big boss man's offcie.