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  1. Yes, SG misses. But against even/yellow stuff it mostly hits. If you are just fighting that stuff, you don't need everything to have SG on it - the damage mitigation from having 80% of the mobs with it is enough to kill the pack, especially if you attack the non-smoked mobs first. If you need to be really stealthy, then you would have to apply it until everything was smoked. Really, SG is no different than most attacks now - against even level stuff you mainly hit and always have a chance to miss.
  2. Can we just skip the Blaster vs Scrapper talk for another thread and avoid polluting this one any further? Probably not, but worth asking.

    And I love Smoke Grenade more than my Targeting Drone, which should tell you something.
  3. I'm a level 24 Ele/Devices casual power gamer (have the knowledge but not the time) who's read a lot and played a slew of throw-away alts.

    Hasten, Stamina, Targeting Drone, Smoke Grenade, two six slotted ranged attacks. Instant blaster formula. After that, mix in secondary powers to round it out.

    If you are a pure power game, elec is not ideal. Endurance drain is a non-factor in PvM 99% of the time. Elec lacks the third attack to make a great single target blaster, e.g. Power Burst. Instead of a cone attack like Frost Breath, they get Short Circuit which is PBAoE and puts you in the midst of a pack instead of its edge. They only get one hold instead of Ice's two, which makes Boss lockdown slower and harder.

    On the upside - Charged Bolts, Lightning Bolt, and Zapp are all solid with typical damage, reasonable range, and good animation times - no knocks there really. Tesla Cage is a good power. Elec is geared to be a single target blaster so being able to lock down one monster in a pack is valuable - esp if you can lockdown the most annoying one, e.g. the Sorceror. Aim is a "round out the template" power not a defining one but it is still decent. Thunderous Blast is Ranged AoE rather than the more typical PBAoE which is an upside. Energy damage works just fine.

    Elec also plays well in a team. No knockback to annoy the tanks or move targets out of the controller's AoE effects. Not AoE based so doesn't attract a lot of hate. Adds a hold that can be stacked with other's. Most of this doesn't matter, of course, since whatever a blaster is attacking soon dies. So knocking something away from a tank shoud be taken as "I'm killing this, attack something else" and attacking it means it no longer needs to be controlled since it will soon be dead. And power gaming AoE blasters should be in teams optimized around doing AoE damage - so hate doesn't matter since the landslide of AoE nukes will kill it all nearly instantly anyway.

    All that said, if you don't need to be a pure power gamer munchkin than Elec works just fine as a single target blaster.

    Just my humble opinion of course.

    *edit* I think the ele stun is purely visual and not a real stun. It just seems like a damage anim the monster plays - landing another attack ends the anim. And it sure seems like the monster attacking will end the anim as well. Oh, and I think the anim is played when end recovery is halted, which is a small % chance effect on the bolts - I believe the guide called it 20% chance to stop end recovery for Charged Bolts.