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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Thanks but you're a little late.



    *snowshoes away*

    Thanks Talia mine was fun
  2. To everyone who celebrates it Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

    I hope your holiday is filled with fun, laughter and the turkey snooze, and if you're vegetarian a fun,laughter & a tofu snooze.

  3. The Pirate song. (Not sure of it's exact name)

    It starts off like this.
    I put my hand upon her toe Yo-Ho Yo-Ho
    then it goes other places that I can't post the rest of the lyrics to.
  4. Jeremiah was a bullfrog - Three dog night
  5. Pardon the crappy arrow/guidelines photochop isn't installed on this puter.

    If you make your eyes kind of wide and fuzz out it helps with the magic images books.

  6. For your eyeballs, Happy Birthday!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tremorr View Post
    .......... I have a cap gun........
    Don't shoot your eye out Trem, and we used to use those to pow pow all the squirrels in the trees. *Note no squirrels were actually hurt in the pow powing of the cap guns.*
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
    I remember going to the local Shakey's Pizza that had a tabletop version of PacMan. You know those little tables where two people could sit opposite one another and play, and the screen would switch sides for each player?

    I still want one of those for my house.

    We had a local arcade and I could easily drop $20 in a long Summer afternoon. Video game playing has gotten considerably cheaper over the years.
    I live about 1/2 an hour from an arcade that has it. I love pinball, when we used to go to roller skating rinks they had those, because Rural NH is about 10 years behind everything.
    Here's a link to the upstairs of where I go where they have the 'classic' games.
    It also has that version of Pac-Man my daughter and I play it together when we go there along with fooz-ball and air-hockey where I kick her butt!

  9. I like how he/she has the dogs on their site.
    Happy Birthday Gnome
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tic-Toc View Post
    Best of luck with this.

    FYI, this is why I originally created Justice For All; To try and assemble a rapidly fracturing community into neutral territory that could benefit every player on Justice.

    I got flak for it at the time, pretty sure some of it was from Chrome Support...who took at as a personal attack against them trying to take ownership of the Rikti Ship mothership raids under their own mantle. Even though I gave operator status to some of those same people in JFA, I was still blasted for being on a power trip, having an ego, much that I removed myself from operator status and handed the reigns off. Maybe I went about it wrong, maybe it was just the wrong time, who knows.

    I think that was the breaking point for me, where I really felt isolated from the community and cast doubt on my intentions up to that point. I don't think I ever really recovered from that, I no longer felt that I had a role in the server community. Especially when the flashback system and event messages were added to chat, making the need for a heavily moderated badge channel kind of moot. RL stepped in shortly after wards demanding more and more of my time. So, maybe it was all for the best. (sorry for not responding to your PMs)

    So again, and I say this with all sincerity, best of luck to you guys.
    I wasn't around at the time i10 Rikti was coming out my dad was pretty sick at that time, so I'm not sure of the involvement of Chrome Support on raids, but you could probably get an answer from CHROME about that. I know when I came back that I was informed of Crimson Moon doing mothership raids. I hadn't really heard of them a lot back then. I now however love Nursette.

    And I know you mentioned you were 'told.' and I'm sorry you feel ostracized on your role from the Justice Community, I would like to point out this, It's from my playing the game and what I've noticed over the three years of playing. You every single one of you who are involved in playing mind games, need better communication. You do. There is a lot lot lot of He said/She said/They said, and that kind of crap just causes so much pain so stop it! If you're doing it stop the **** seriously. and If someone comes to you and say he/she/they said this. Then ask that person to go with you to her/him/them and talk over the crap they said. Then all of you talk your **** out together. Clear the air. Have fun playing the game! Stop playing all the kindergarten mean ****** *** games. Stop being ******** to each other and have fun. I'd say that to my best friend if they were doing it and I'd expect my best friend to say it back to me and bring a mirror up to my face. Also if someone is coming to you with he/she/they said stuff and isn't willing to go back with you to the person who said it, then who knows if they're even telling the truth?

    and Tic I think the JFA/JB still serves their own roles, and I'm sorry that you've had to experience loneliness in a game. This is also what I told someone recently that was accused to an 'ego trip'

    You know where you're coming from. Never let anyone drag you down or accuse you of being something you're not, if you're coming from a bad intention and only YOU know that then change it if you want to. If you're not coming from anywhere that other people say you are then be who you are. Seriously? Screw people who try to knock you down. For every one of them there will be two trying to lift you up.

    and I heard this from someone who was pretty wise, You will never please everyone. 'Some people aren't happy with the lining on their coffins'
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Cai_ View Post
    That's not a bad point. I think I'll refer to it as Justice for All Kids, or JFAK for short. Carry on.
    So this image posting won't work.

    Sooooo here's linky
  12. Here's some.
    Mellower - Voice/Instruments.

    Indigo Girls

    John Mayer

    Nickel Creek (acoustic mellow bluegrass)


    Susan Tedeschi - She fits the blues/acoustic stuff
    some of her music is a lot more peppy
    and she's played with a lot of great well known blues players.
    Can't go wrong with googling her and listening

    Bob Marley

    Mike Barnhill (He's independent found him on myspace a couple of years ago -
    His song Francis and some others are good that he doesn't have listed there)

    Carrie Akre (another independent)

    Norah Jones

    Otis Redding

    Tom Petty (From his less popular Echoes Album)

    Collective Soul (Youth Album)

    Steve Earle

    Alison Krauss & Union Station (such a pretty voice-
    This one isn't so much but she does bluegrass/gospel)

    Layo & Bushwacka



    Yoga Music?

    Last is OM

    Forgot one of my faves
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    After a half-decent night's sleep, re-reading all of the
    Just chalk everything after my first post up to the paranoid ramblings of an old man.

    Good luck.
    I have tinfoil and I'm not afraid to use it!
  14. My name! I see it! and Hi everyone Hope we all shall have fun in the new channel together. I also hope we get to do some server wide events more since I am back playing again with more regularity, I enjoy those.

    Chrome nice of you to extend the idea of unity outwards some more to encompass the server.
  15. Happy Birthday!

    For your Eyes: -Scorpio Constellation up close.

    For your ears:
  16. Happy Birthday Chloe, and this was a way too big pic to post so I linked it and it's pretty.