895 -
so cute!!
I have to admit I've had full on Rowr crush for a while ~.^ -
well we know the real reason the City Scoop and Science guy are trying to stir up rabble here
Mainly to get the thread locked .
I give the thread another day or so of life before the mods close it just to stop the whining .
maybe we should have City Scoop and Science make a list of what we are allowed to post on their forums
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No - When I post that I disagree it is simply that: I disagree with whats been said. I do not think that NSFW stuff belongs here, and I do NOT think that this nudge-nudge, wink, wink oh-so-NOT-vague thread and its associated images belong here, either.
I'm stating my opinion here in hopes that SOMEONE ... ANYone will wake up and see beyond all the "oh we're so clever" sniggers and realize that this thread - and the mindset it represents is anything BUT Light-hearted fun.
It does not belong on this forum. It will serve only drag the forum down towards the gutter.
Go ahead and put it someplace else with proper age-verification (which the links involved here do NOT have), go find someplace else where this sort of thing IS appropriate. But dont bring it HERE you all KNOW this is not the place for it. Youre posting it admitting that you know its probably going to get mod-smacked but youre posting it anyway just to see how long you can get away with it.
Doesnt ANYBODY see the problem with that?
I guess not.
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what I see a problem with is someone deciding for themselves what is or is not appropriate and trying to force it on the rest of us.
The original "problem" was someone stating that we were breaking the rules... and you specifically supporting that statement.
Then I posted another thread on the topic, which continued the debate.
Then the MODS, who enforce the rules around here, very graciously clarified what was breaking the rules and what was not. And the MODS determined that in this thread, we are NOT.
So please shut up about what we are doing to the forums. You are the only causing problems around here. -
I also disagree that this section is unfriendly. It's remarkably friendly...
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This has pretty much been my experience on this particular forum thus far. I wouldn't consider myself a "regular" in this forum since I've mostly been a artzy lurker and only started posting here fairly recently (TA encouraged me to get a DA site, so I figured while I was at it, may as well start posting here as well!). I must say that the "regulars" have been pretty darn friendly towards me thus far...a good number of regulars from this forum even added me as DA friends right off the bat and welcomed me with open arms.
From what I've been able to gather, the rule of thumb in this forum is pretty much the same as anywhere else (RL or teh intarwebs)..."do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In other words, to be received kindly, all you have to do is respect others' opinions and don't be a jerk.
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...unless you happen to disagree with the reigning opinion of said "regulars" and have the audacity to voice that dissenting opinion - regardless of whether it is stated politely, reasonably or not. Then you will be roundly jeered, labeled a "hater", and shunned.
This whole thread was specifically created to jeer at those who dissented, to "oh so cleverly" break the forum rules, and to mock those rules by pushing the boundaries beyond merely "Not Safe For Work", but off into the realm of pornography.
...but, oh - its "okay" because the "regulars" think its cool, and the mods have given it their blessing.
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If you've been around the section and read the various threads and comments posted there, you would know that you couldn't be further from the truth here.
The only posts I ever see get "tweaked" are those who come across as "holier than thou", and those who start out being overly judgemental of those who they've never interacted with.
The vast majority of the time the posts are supportive of what art is posted, be it great or not-so.
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I HAVE "been around the section and read the various threads and comments posted" - and I stand by my statement.
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sorry, but it sounds like you're just absolutely determined to be offended and play the victim no matter what we say.
it's so funny that we were originally the ones being persecuted yet you claim to be the injured party. -
actually this all started with a particularly viscious attack on an artist for posting something that, while actually fairly tame, offended their sensibillities. When a fight breaks out in public the police often find their utlimate resolution in one of two ways.
one... throw the whole lot in jail. And the more flames and attacks from either side that occur, the closer this metaphorically gets to happening to this forum.
two... find out who threw the first punch. And the simple fact is that was NOT the forum regulars who did so.
No one has been called a "hater" for expressing an opion. The were called "haters" due to unprovoked attacks on the foum regulars. -
that's called being lazy, lol
I even saw the thing you mentioned and just didn't bother to fix it. -
this is still my favorite thread ever
I don't think ice will help with that
<marlon brando voice> where's the buttah?</mbv> -
Ouch. Thorns!
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the thorns are the best part, baby -
ooo.. Gamma like... and Foo's character too!! Gamma wants some plants like that
It's too graphic for DA and HF basically told me my art sucks so this is the only way I can think to share it and restrict access to only the people who WANT to see it.
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I didn't think DA had censorship-related limits.
And who is 'HF'?
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*sends a PM* -
I knew those Longbow guys were fraternizing with the Blood Widows. -
LOL Rowr! You're so innocent... in public.
Come on guys, you know me. This is not a Rick Roll or anything funny like that.
It's a picture of Gamma.Girl dealing with a Sentient Tree that had a mind it's own on how the encounter should go.
It's too graphic for DA and HF basically told me my art sucks so this is the only way I can think to share it and restrict access to only the people who WANT to see it. -
ok, I drew something new
I drew it in MSpaint and I'm kind of proud of it
It's too naughty even for DA, think "Alex's last Gamma Pic".
I can't host it on the place with the initials HF cuz they're stuck up and say my art is not good enough.
If anyone is interested in seeing it, PM an email and statement of 18+ and I'll send it your way. -
Last September, Poptarts Ninja did a wonderful piece for me on DA called "Death From Above".
I've done a re-edit of the piece, altering it to her original biker jacket instead of trench coat and another costume quirk she's been sort of known for.
I won't post the direct link here because it's very NSFW. Look around my DA and you'll see it ^^ -
aww the pose makes her look like a very young, very innocent Larissa.
She's adorable, I love it.
PS Thank you for the pm
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*compares that concept to the piece Alex just did and laughs*
still, nice artz there ^^ -
it's a pretty simple costume but overall I'd say it's very nice. Certainly leaps and bounds over what I can produce. I'm still trying to figure out how to put a skin on a model in DAZ, lol