895 -
Personamorpher, consider yourself permanent. But since I've already made two for you, I'll work on yours when there are no current requests to be done, okie? okie... okie luvya byebye!
current que
1. Davion
2. DarkeS
3. Dursagon
4. DarkLilac
o.O 4 D's... does this mean something? -
hehehe... when I saw the "lapdance" template I just knew I had to do something with it.
Darkeshade added, and thank again for the comments everyone =)
*points Bruthaman to the post above where he says the Que is cut off at Pawnn*
considering the que is light right now... and Sythias has snuck in a second time by changing his name to Thundius, you can request as many as you like until I say stop =)
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More! More!
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Gah! I guess I wasn't clear enough. Please make me a permanent addition to your queue! If the list gets long though, put my stuff on backburner until everyone else gets theirs.
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lol *points up* -
*ahem* ok, this one is another major experiment for me.
Attention! this piece, while there no actually naughty bits, has a rather mature theme... Discretion is advised
Dream of a Ghost -
without being able to see what he's wearing, I had to guess. I took my best shot.
Thundius -
very nice animation!!
updated que
1. Thundius
2. Antihiro
3. Black_Magistar
4. Turbo_Ski -
let's see how my palm pilot handles the forums!
ok, Thundius, I was just being cute, I don't mind. Everyone will be added -
hehehe, thanks again Antihiro, I still giggle whenever I see mine
sorry guys, I reorganized my photobucket, your micros are still there just in a new directory....
Gamma.Girl's Micro Heroes -
Space Kitten for Hemily! This piece was a major experiment for me. The body template I used has no existing clothing for it so I had to hand draw them... I've never done that before. If you don't like it, Hems, I'll make you another one with a more standard pose.