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  1. I'm a returning player. I started a new character, purchased and Invention License, got him to level 5, which according to the Leveling Chart means I should have 30 spaces in my invention salvage inventory, but I only have 23. Is this because I'm not a VIP? I haven't seen it mentioned on any FAQ that I would have less storage. Is this a common glitch, or some oversight?
  2. 93% Explorer
    67% Socializer
    27% Killer
    20% Achiever

    I'll believe it. I think I try to be a bit more social. I love being on diverse teams.
  3. Viceroyal

    Unique build?

    My main guy is Energy/Fire, too. Doesn't seem too unique. It's cool to run around with hot feet on, use the fire ring to immobilize something, use burn around them, and then hit the fire sword circle. And if they're still standing after that, repeated energy blasts are all the more satisfying.