Hello City of Heroes and Villains! I am Tramon, I mainly stay on the Freedom server, but I try to play on all of them. Well since the end is near I decided to do something I have been wanting to for a long time..an all out Brute Marathon! Exactly what it sounds like. Want to do ITF, STF, I-trials, and hopefully much more with nothing but Brutes! I always see people doing a lot of full scrappers/corruptors/Trollers/MMs..I never get to see the Full Brute stuff! So this Saturday I am making it happen for the Brute only players like myself! So if you are more than interested in this event and wish to come along please feel free to in-game email me @Tramon..I want to start this Saturday at hopefully around 5pm Central Time Zone on the Freedom server! Hope to get enough interested and hope to see all of you there! =D
Thanks, Tramon!