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  1. TopRamen

    A Nice Bug :)

    I just had a nice bug happen to me. Upon logging out of one character and creating a new one, I found out that I could create Kheldian characters! My highest toon is lvl 38. Furthermore, upon creating one, I found that I was given the bonuses from the "Good vs Evil" edition (which I never purchased) on that character. This is where things get weird.

    After playing around with my new Warshade for a bit, I exit the game. Upon starting it up again, I found that I couldn't create Kheldian (or the evil epic archetype) characters. Also, I am unable to use the bonus powers from "Good vs Evil" (I do, however, retain my Pocket D VIP badge) Shrug, it was nice while it lasted, I got a Warshade out of it at least. No biggie.

    But then! I sign out of my Warshade (but I didn't exit the game), out of curiousity, I create a new character and lo and behold, I can create Kheldians again! (Though not evil epic archtypes) My Good vs Evil bonuses have not returned. At this point, I filed a bug report, just to report it. I just hope that they don't take away my two new characters.

    Anything like this happen to anyone else? I'm not sure what to make of it.
  2. TopRamen

    Super Quaker

    ((OOC: Is there a limit to the number of times you can edit a post? I just realized the first post said prequel when I meant prologue, but it's not letting me edit Oh well, hope you enjoyed the first chapter, censorship and all :P ))
  3. TopRamen

    Super Quaker

    ((Jet lag has killed me and I probably won't actually start playing until tomorrow, but I was able to get the name Super Quaker on Virtue... so that's a good thing. And I got a start on Ch. 1))

    [u]Chapter 1: Welcome to Paragon[u]

    "End of the Line! Paragon City, Atlas Park stop!" William woke with a start as the Greyhound slowed to a stop. Cringing with embarrassment, he gathered his bag and walked to the front of the bus. His fellow passengers had regarded him with condescending amusement throughout the trip. It might not have been the best idea to wear his old-fashioned costume during the trip to Rhode Island.

    He had been so excited when heading off, but now he had a growing sense of trepidation and self-doubt.

    William stepped off the bus and looked around the city. It certainly was a far cry from the small Idaho town he had grown up in! Those statues! They must be a hundred feet high! There were so many people! Back home, he had known literally everyone by name. Not to mention the heroes! They were everywhere! Was that Ms. Liberty over there surrounded by hordes of adoring fans? When he realized he was gawking, he forced himself to look straight ahead to his destination, City Hall.

    I'll need to get registered before anything else he thought to himself.

    He was so excited and caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the figures following him. A raspy voice called out to him. "Hand over your wallet kid, and I won't burn you to a crisp."

    When William turned around, he saw three thugs in bright red clothing. The one who had spoken had huge horns growing out of his face. The young Quaker looked around for a policeman or a hero, but everyone seemed oblivious or otherwise occupied.

    "Okey, there's no reason for anyone to get hurt. I'm getting out my wallet now." William tried to keep the quaver from his voice. He handed over his money to the nearest gang member, thankfully one of the human-looking ones.

    The thug was clearly disappointed "What kind of a [censored] are you? You wanna be a hero, man? Put up a fight!"

    William kept his face straight. "I am a member of the Society of Friends, committed pacifists who..."

    He was interrupted by a baseball bat swinging at his face. William barely twisted out of the way, catching the blow on his chest. As he stood up to run, his vision grew dark and blurry. He prayed "Oh God, not again, please..."

    The young gang members began screaming in terror as their leader fought to keep his fears from manifesting. The man-daemon made a sudden dispelling gesture with his hands and the thugs recovered instantly.

    "Now you've made me mad." The dark figures advanced on William...
  4. TopRamen

    Super Quaker

    ((Glad you like it! And.. You're right! I didn't think about it, this is my 1st RP char. I'll make sure the name's available on Virtue when I get back from vacation, and if so, I'll just create him on Virtue))
  5. TopRamen

    Super Quaker

    ((If anyone finds this offensive, please PM me and we can discuss it. I have a couple of friends who are Society of Friends members, and they said everything is accurate so far.))


    William's mother fussed over his costume for the hundredth time. "Now you are sure you want to do this?"
    William sighed and smiled.
    "Yes mother. God has given me these abilities and it would be selfish to keep them to myself."
    His mother bit her lip. "It won't be easy, you know, being a pacifist in Paragon City. Everyone there seems to think violence solves everything."
    "It's not as bad as you think. Most heroes arrest criminals when they have a chance, Paragon won't register them otherwise."
    "Well, alright..."
    "I'll be like the Friends Ambulance units in World War II. I will support and heal people, not hurt them!"
    "But those... visions you project! They are horrible!"
    William grew pale. "That's the other reason why I have to go to Paragon City. They have the most scientists and researchers and trainers who can help me control my... powers. No more nightmares for you and dad!"
    He looked at himself in the mirror. He wore a 'pilgrim hat,' a long black coat, old fashioned breeches and stockings. As a sold concession to modern clothing, he wore comfortable black sneakers.
    A broad grin split his face. "I look good. I am... SUPER QUAKER!"

    ((I will be adding more as time progresses and I level up my new character. If you'd like to be a part of the story or add on, play with me in-game! My new character is Super Quaker on Freedom Server. I'll start playing him at level 1 on the evening of Nov 25 or 26. He is an Ill/Emp Controller who won't do *any* damage. ))
  6. [u]Making Money at Low Levels, or How I Made My First Million[u]
    by Top Ramen

    While many players have level 50 characters with several million infl to spare for their lower level characters, not all of us have been around long enough to accumulate that much. So, here's a guide for a casual player to make their first million by level 14, if not lower, without farming.

    Part A: The Stupidity of Others

    You can start this part with as low as 1000-3000 influence. This first step relies on the stupidity of the masses(always a safe bet). At the auction houses, some salvage/recipes actually sell for less than you can sell them to the NPC stores! Some salvage, you can buy for as little as 10 infl, and sell for 250. This may not seem like a lot at first, but if you buy a stack of 30... This makes you 7200 infl per trip to the store!

    After you have made a couple of round trips with the common salvage, you can move on to uncommon, which can often be bought for 100-500, and sold for 1000. This makes you up to 27K per trip. You see how this starts to add up?

    I usually make a lot of bids right before I sign off for the day, and make my runs first thing when I sign on for the day. Anyone who's bought something from the market knows it takes time to get items at the price you want. Going back and forth from the store can be a boring process, so I make the runs while watching TV.

    Once you have about 60-100K infl, you can move on to Part B

    Part B: Playing the Market

    Prices in the Market fluctuate, everyone has seen this. With a little bit of savvy and knowledge, it is easy to take advantage of this fact and make infl off of it.

    First off, make a note of the price of a certain piece or type of salvage or recipe. I personally use the Halloween salvage items. If possible, check several times a day. Make a note of the minimum you see it sell for, and the maximum. Once you have a pretty good idea of the price range, follow the #1 rule of the stock market: never trust your money to a convicted felon. No, j/k: buy low and sell high. I can usually buy Halloween parts on my server for 10-20k in the morning, then turn back around and sell them for 40-80k that afternoon.

    Check the prices 3-5 times a day. I check before work, at lunch, in the afternoon, the evening, and before I go to bed. It only takes 5 minutes to do. Buy low, sell high. Within a couple of days, you too can have a million influence.

    Final Thoughts

    This process has served me well for my 3 lower level characters. I have plenty of influence for DO, and various invention enhancements to fill up all my slots.

    Any comments or constructive criticism is welcome. This is my first guide, hope it was helpful to the newbies.