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Since the next issue is issue19 I'd like to see a poster were you can take a snapshot of your hero/villian and/or friends and put it in the poster and hang it up were ever you want. Also some really shiny tech stuff like maybe a table that displays a hologram of your area(preitoria,Paragon city, Rouge isles) That you can interact with maybe show things like were there are currently giant monsters or things like that.Maybe like an alarm when something is happening. Also being able to have a HUGE Window were you can pick what scene your looking maybe having a vista of the city.
Edit: ALSO!!! Maybe instead of having a base portal maybe make the entrance a door of a random building or skyscraper. were you go in there is a butler or something and you take the elevator up or down which would add on to the window thing. -
Oh ok i didn't know about that tab thanks i'm going to definantly use it. I'm still interested in learning more about the arena.
Ok so I'm not really a newbie but i would still like to have a mentor to help me and answer my questions and things like that. Is that OK? If it is I'm usaully in the Justice server Mr.Psychic.
Hello everyone,
I've been looking for people to help me hunt down a giant monster since I've never gotten to beat one except the babbage during a mission and i really want to beat the Kraken and the Lusca.I had a team but i had to leave.If anyone can help me in taking onje down please tell me.Also how do i use the Arena I've joined many matches but it says that it doesn't exist right after. Can anyone help me out. I'm always on justice server with my Hero Mr.Psychic.
Also if anyone needs a super group or wants to join one please message me. The super Group is called The Guardians of Earth.We need many more members everyone's welcome.