419 -
I want someone to lend me a truck next weekend so I can pick-up my sewing table without wrestling it into the back of my car.
[/ QUOTE ]
I would, but you live in Toadsuck, Arkansas or somewhere equally remote.
[/ QUOTE ]
Sacramento-ish, California.
(Toadsuck?) -
Why, that chunk of change would go a long ways towards a new computer, wouldn't it?
What a coincidink! -
Of course. What kind of jerk would I be to borrow a truck and not return it with a full tank? Or to pay for gas and a nice lunch for the driver?
Give me some credit.
(btw, this is just... being silly, along with the idea of Siolfir really panhandling for a computer) -
I want someone to lend me a truck next weekend so I can pick-up my sewing table without wrestling it into the back of my car.
*sobs quietly*
The game hates me. Chat problems, dc's, odd perspectives. powers not working, inability to log back on... argh! Go one without me while I just go kick something in frustration. -
Okay. We may start with the costume/aura mission, then, so you stay on the Croatoa arc with us.
Folks, meet me at the Tailor's in Independence Port. We'll do her hunt mission to unlock the slot, then we'll talk to the City Rep in Atlas for auras. -
Depending on when we level and what levels we are, there's my latest plan to 50:
-Finish Buck Sallinger arc today
-Percy the Midnighter arc today
-Cape/aura missions if time
-Katie Hannon next Tuesday
If we're not level 36 at the end of the Katie, we will then do the Manitcore TF the following evening while we have all seven people online, stealthing the snot out of it.
Now entering the uncertain future, since I can't be sure of levels/time:
-Cimoria: Ancient Positron
-Cimoria: ITF (optional, depending on team mood)
-Numina TF
-RWZ: First two arcs
-Anton Sampson
-Eden Trial at level 39
-Unlock Tina McIntyre at level 40
-Do Tina McIntytre arc
-More Cimoria
-More RWZ
-Maria Jenkins at level 45
-Shadow Shard Sampler
-Bonus round: STF with pick-up person
If we have evenings when one or two people aren't online, we'll flashback to the Citadel TF or do QoL things, like hunting monkeys on monkey island or masks in DA, things like that, or, depending on circumstances, retire for the evening. -
From the Adventure Log of Countess Clink Clank
Tonight, after warming up against the ubiquitous Freakshow, we returned to the haunted vale of Croatoa, to assist the restless dead Kelly Nemmers. But before we could begin our tasks for her, Aluriel spotted a giant! Even in our time giants were rare, so I was astonished to see one here in the New World. But, with the help of the master swordswoman Jeanette Idaho, we quickly bested the Jack of Irons (who, I later learned, is not one of the giants descended from the Fallen, but rather a fey.)
Afterwards, we turned our attention to assisting Miss Nemmers, stopping wars, saving an archer (who gifted us all with bows), saving fey from other fey, and being generally helpful. Then we undertook one mission for Buck Sallinger before retiring for the evening.
My mechanical augery device indicates Thursday will see us return to Croatoa, to finish assisting Mr. Sallinger and perhaps the Midnighter Percy Winkley. We may even explore how to make our auras visible. And the following Tuesday will see us on some sort of expended quest, the details of which remain unclear to me.
OOC Notes: The Shadow Shard? Well, aside from my reservations about undergoing the shard with crazy people, the Shard TFs require 8 people to start. So we'd either need to find someone willing to commit a charecter to multiple-evening TFs, or someone willing to help us start then quit (this seems more likely). If there are regular missions in the shard, I'd be more than willing to do those, as I haven't really explored the shard myself.
Edit: Looks like there are regular contacts within the shard, but none of them give story arcs End Edit
The Eden Trial I've done once. It was... odd. But Prof, if you want to take the lead on it, I'm game to try.
The Sewer Trial I'd like to do after we've outleveled it or are at the very cap. And maybe we should hit Bloody Bay en mass before hand, because I'd like shivens along.
I'm still looking for 35-40 level mission arcs, anything you've done and thought was awesome or read about in the wiki and wanted to try. Barring that, I'm likely to herd us all to Cimoria, maybe undergo a low-level ITF, help Ancient Positron (Did you know Fushionette is a direct descendent of Imperious?), things like that. I'll also herd us to the RWZ, just for consistancy of arcs.
And once we hit 40, we'll try and unlock Tina McIntyre and then Maria Jenkins at 45, because I think the Praetorian Arcs are rad, and also because I want us to en mass earn the harder badges required for accolades. And merits.
Blood, happy birthday.
Civil, I hope you're feeling better. -
Then at level 35, we will all be astounded by the further wonders of time travel.
For the most part, you have to do them in the zone proper AND we could all net different hunts. Worst case scenario. Or, we could all luck out and get straight onto the arc.
Now accepting suggestions for what we should do from levels 35 - 40. Planning on running the Praetorian Arcs at 40 and at 45, probably the Numina's TF at 38 or 39, but beyond that?
The trick is trying to get everyone directly onto arcs, without messing about with "Why yes, you SHOULD kill 50 malta just because" missions. The newer zones are great for that, but I've done a lot of Cimoria red-side and hesitate to run a level 35 ITF. Likewise, I've done the RWZ arcs before and while I adore ship raids, don't like to lead them on level 35s. -
Tonight we'll radio mission Blood to 30, then hit Croatoa for the final arcs. On Thursday, we Katie!
I'm pleased its Friday. Tomorrow I go out and buy a new quilting table, which I've needed for quite a while.
[/ QUOTE ]
Quilting requires a special table?
[/ QUOTE ]
It's for my sewing machine. The desk I currently use isn't the right height and as a result, I can't sew too long in a stretch, because I cramp up. But a quilting table (or cabinet) is designed to be the right height for sewing and also offers the option of setting the feed dogs flush with the surface of the table, which offers better support for quilts and other large or delicate projects. A good table or cabinet (some of them fold up when not in use, hence cabinet) also offers storage space for notions. And the model I got also has a drop-leaf which makes it bigger for more project support and could also serve as a cutting surface.
So to sum up: Quilting doesn't require a special table, but it sure makes it easier. -
I'm pleased its Friday. Tomorrow I go out and buy a new quilting table, which I've needed for quite a while.
From the Adventure Log of Countess Clink Clank
Last night, the Professor lead us on a series of tasks for one Ernesto Hess of Striga Isle. Although the Baronne and Civil Twilight were unable to join us, we were able to secure the aid of Dr. Persons, PhD, FotM, a highly-educated individual who aided us with his mastery of flame and physics. (I understand the Baronne was researching how voudon may have evolved during the last centuary and planning a trip. Civil, in spite of her excuses, I suspect was perfecting her cake recipe, having determined the Paris Clockwork Cake Competition is still active and has, in fact, grown much more enlightened. While I'm sure my baking would still best hers, to say nothing of the mechanical aspects, if the Baronne should chose to enter I'm not sure I would be victorious).
At any rate, we fought to an easy victory over the rather ineffectual forces of the Council. The scope of their machinations and their giant clanks were breathtaking, however, no matter how I feel about their fighting abilities. I plan to make detailed notes on what we observed, to incorperate into my own works. At the end, we were forced to flee from a great explosion; the Professor and I escaped using some temporal manipulations, the others through sheer speed.
I look forward to our return to Croatoa on Tuesday, with perhaps just a brief side-trip to ensure the Baronne is on the same page as the rest of us. -
No, it's cool. I appreciate the heads-up, it allows me to plan for your absence.
I'm sure you'd rather not be sick and able to play. Just take care of yourself, that's the important thing. -
Ok, Prof, set your difficulty to heroic and we'll steamroll.
Civil, don't forget to rehydrate and I hope you feel better soon.
I'll arrive around 5:50 and try and recruit a 6th person, if I can't find one by 6:10, we'll call the evening a wash and all go work on our sewing projects instead. -
::Hands Raiden a box that says "Friday" Do not open till tomorrow."::
[/ QUOTE ]
That's just cruel...
[/ QUOTE ]
The worst part is, it's a quantum box. It may, or may not, have Friday in it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Dun dun dun! -
I recommend some vintage musicals, something tasty for dinner, and a snuggly blanket, and calling a friend. -
Tomorrow night we will run the Hess TF, departing from Striga Isle. I'll go ahead and form up the team, but then the power will pass to the Professor for the evening.
Non-guild members willing to play along are always welcome to join us. We'll have two spots open tomorrow night. -
From the Adventure Log of Countess Clink Clank
Tonight was a night of high adventure. First we completed a series of tasks for Mercedes Sheldon of the Midnight Squad, an organization I approve highly of, before heading to the headquarters of the more dubious 'Ouroborus' and its clique of 'Mendors.' Nevertheless, we traveled through time on a series of missions, including a MOST enlightening series for Twilight's Son.
Still, I continue to doubt their motives, and not one of them offered to help us return to our own time.