419 -
Love it!
Regarding hero content and TFs: There's so much to see, I suspect we're going to miss things. We can always flashback in bonus rounds or after we get to fifty. I'd like for us to see Faultline, Croatoa, the Praetorian Arc, and the Freakshow War, for starters. I want to do the Synapse and Moonfire TFs if we can. I'm not willing to schlep through the Shadow Shard TFs on the way up, but once we hit fifty, we could do an "OMG, Merits!" reunion for a few nights.
The plan for tomorrow is to run the Safeguard and get at least a temp travel power, then we'll start (not finish) the Positron TF. We'll try and finish it Thursday. -
I've played with Blood Spectre enough to be okay with terrorizing him. I'm okay with terrorizing Knight Cri, too. Actually, if I didn't do terror, I'd never do board sign-up anything!
hahaha, no.
Did I mention no?
I'd try bribery before torture, but still... no! -
Both Warrior and MMotO are open, so take your pick. And if you have stealth, it looks like a Posi TF for us.
It's neat to have relatively new blueside players, to show the 'coolest' parts of the game to. -
I must agree. I like everyone's charecter, and some I just think are so fun, like Gol's understated Patches with his "Trolls?" and "Kitty!," but Blood Spectre takes the cake. It all comes together.
Of course, it wouldn't be nearly as awesome if there weren't seven us to play off of each other. -
Croatoa is a must-see. I like Faultline, but I also think the Synapse TF is one of the best in the game. Good point about the Midnight Squad arc being appropriate, too.
I suppose if we hit level 50 too quickly, we can have reunion runs and flashback to things. -
Cap is 15. We'll gain xp until we hit 16, then get exemp'd back down.
So, Posi now or later?
-Lots of merits
-We won't miss our powers
-We get it over with
-We will still level at least at first
-Two nights of Posi
-No one has stealth yet, adding length
-We'll probably hit the level cap -
i dont really see how u can fit a second illusion troller into a "lost warrior". the guy made his char for the master of the occult and u guys let him so... i think i will scrap my story and make up something for the "lost warrior" myself.
too bad for some reason i cant go and delete my first story. but yea just ignore it, i will make something else :P
[/ QUOTE ]
'u guys let him so...'
We already went over this. No one is out to get you, it was a misunderstanding about which concepts were open. It's already been fixed. And I'm not going to ask Lotus to reroll just because you don't feel special enough with another illusion controller on the team. That's unfair to her and its unreasonable of you to complain because someone else found something they wanted to play which happened to be similar to what you wanted to play.
Rather than give me time to ask Lotus to change her story or reroll or adjust your own attitude, you came here with your posts about how mean we are and you were leaving. This is my fun time, too, and you're making it unfun. Since you're already unhappy, I'll just make myself happy instead: You're off the team, period. -
Well it would have been fine until you jinxed us.
It's a pain in the butt, especially with a team our size, but if we started it as soon as we got the jump pack, we'd be pushing 16 at the end. It's also necessary for the TF Commander accolade. Alternatively, we could wait until we hit 17 doing other things, and jump feet first into a Synapse TF instead (I actually quite like the Synapse TF). It's a question of: Do we suffer now or later?
From the Diary of Countess Clink Clank
Today we aided the thuggish Flux in a continued quest to bring order to the Troll lands, which I learn are known as "The Hollows." Our powers continued to grow and we found ourselves facing more difficult foes. Eventually, we grew tired of it there, however, and returned to Kings Row to face new challenges, including monstrous clanks which I itch to study.
Of more note, the capricious fates returned to us Lotus Hero, who I understand was sent to investigate our disappearance. She joined us in our fight, but in the process we lost the Prophecy Mistress. Perhaps some equilibrium had to be maintained. Who knows? It is so difficult to tell with these mystical occurrences.
De Profundus has not provided anymore useful information, the vexing man!
We shall see what the morrow brings.
OOC Notes: We have one opening on the team, and as of this posting, we're level 12-ish. And it's been a blast thus far.
Once we get travel powers (beyond Hover), how do you all feel about a Positron TF? -
Hi Emerald Ghost:
I had already asked Lotus Cri to fit her illusion/kin controller into the Warrior concept by the time you posted here. As well, you and I had already discussed in game that she had most likely picked her AT and powers based on what she wanted the play, the same courtesy extended to you.
I'm sorry you're so upset about the whole experience. Enjoy the game without us. If you want to discuss it further, please feel free to PM me.
Textilian -
I'm in if you want me. just made a new Hero Named Lotus Cri she is the magic demon master of the occult variety concept character.
[/ QUOTE ]
We want you, but we're doing the Hollows arcs. Catch up with us?
And don't forget your interesting Warrior from a Lost Civilization story. -
Watching members of the guild interact with other Guardianites, in charecter, as we 'first arrived' was both an awesome and also a "face in palm, omg we're dorks" moment.
We'll worry about the STF once we get there. This team has been a long time coming and I announced in Player Events, too, and quite a few people saw it. It would be lovely to have an eighth person (hmm, someone try and lure Mod XIII ?), but not at the point of "Anyone, please!" I'd rather run with seven fun people than seven people and one person I'm trying to figure out how to strangle via TCP/IP. And I don't really want to bump the events announcement for the sake of bumping.
Our eighth will come or not. If you know someone, awesome. If you've been wanting to get your boyfriend or girlfriend to try the game, bring them. Your dad has been wanting to spend some time playing with you? Bring him. But if you don't, don't worry, seven is a good number and will carry us to the upper levels. And when the time comes for the STF, I'm sure we can get an eighth with no problems. -
Who said anything about not finishing? I have an excellent track record.
But on January 20th, I'll be glued to the television watching the presidential inauguration. -
From the diary of Countess Clink Clank:
Stranded in the future, with only De Profundus, my least favorite mystic, to offer insight into why. My squad found itself in strange sewers, surrounded by the undead, weakened. We fought forward anyway, determined to clear up this most recent mess involving Bath and the foolish gentry dabbling where they ought not. But we were not, as we believed, in Bath, England, but rather a strange, future America, in Paragon City. A later trip to the biblotech, and a longer tutorial on how to access the reference system (computers, I am told, are based off of [u] looms?! [u]), reveals just how much this country has grown and changed since our departure in 1887.
Emerging from the vile tunnels, who should contact us telepathically but De Profundus?! He told us he had predicted our arrival, to everyone's surprise but the Prophecy Mistress, we were in the Americans, in the City of Paragon, and he would contact us later. He advised us to seek out the one known as Miss Liberty, and indeed, she helped us regain some of our lost powers.
Civil Twilight attempted to communicate with some of the natives, but while we all seem to speak English, I am unsure real raport was established. Exploring, we found a train in the sky, and went to the Kings Row, hopefully to speak with him. But we found no king, and lost Patches in the process. We eventually tracked Patches down by following his thoughts of "Patches? Trolls? Kitty?"
In the Land of the Trolls we had better luck, meeting with one of the consultbury and aiding him in his fight against the minions of evil. We agreed to meet with the one known as Flux on our next assembly and among ourselves agreed to serve as beacons in this dark modern world, until the Fates return us home.
Some OOC notes:
We will complete the Hollows arcs.
Remember that just because you, the player, knows what's going on, doesn't mean your charecter does.
There will be NO TEAM on January 20th. -
I think the rest of us just decided what AT and powerset we wanted to try and shoehorned it into the Victorian concept.
Edit: I'm playing a ff/elec defender, myself. -
I sum up:
The Leviathan Guild is THE group who investigates the supernatural in Victorian England. Comprised of English citizens and allies, this particular group finds itself whisked into the sewers of Paragon through events which have yet to be explained. Each member represents an archetype of the period. (Although, since this is my leisure time and I don't want to deal with crap, we're the most progressive set of Victorians EVER, in regards to race, gender, etc)
So for Mysterious Master of the Occult, well, that's just want it sounds like! Do you hunt vampires? Do you dabble in That Which Man was Not Meant to Know? Have you mastered the powers of darkness? Of light? Fire? Ice? Do you do battle armed with a book and sword? Where are you from, what's your name, how did you find us?
Think about it, and post your story here, and I'll edit your name into the prologue. -
Yes, we still have room for a Warrior from a Lost Civilization and a Mysterious Master of the Occult!
Roll someone up and join us! -
Some housekeeping before we launch:
We'll meet at the sewer entrance near the Yellow Line in Atlas Park. Anyone who wants an invite to the actual LG SG is more than welcome to one and yes, that includes access to the bins. The SG is just us and Mr. Text, so likely no one will take your stuff, but mistakes do happen, so use at your own risk.
We'll take care of all of that, and I'll provide an in-game reason for the other members of the SG (all stupid names belong to Mr. Text, fyi) once we escape for the sewers. The role play will begin once we're actually in the sewers, in the interest of doing the best we can within the limits of the game.
Since we're running two nights a week, I'm going to be fairly observant of the time slot, starting on time and ending on time. I'll also post a summary of the nights adventures here, also in character.
See you at six! -
To Lord XXXXX:
My lord, Im sorry to inform you that today, January 6, 1887 we have lost Countess Clink Clank, Patches, Professor Candelabra, Baronne Cimitere, Civil Twilight, and Aluriel Twilight. As you know, we had sent them to investigate the disturbances occurring in Bath, particularly the incident involving Lady XXXXXXXXXX and the apparition. Our observers note the squad had entered near the old Temple of Minerva, descending past the spring font and into the abandoned aqueducts. We do not know what has happened since then, but other members of the Guild are anxiously divining to see what has become of the missing heroes. One of them is already spouting forth about crossing time and oceans, slipping down the time stream to the sea, powers lost in the tides, but I have nothing further to report on that front. We are considering sending in a two-man team to investigate the area further, but are awaiting volunteers.
I will keep you apprised of the situation as it develops.
Guild Leader