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Welcome to the Suggestions and Ideas forums. In general, your suggestions will receive more useful feedback if you do the following:
-Search first. There's even a guide on how to search stickied at the top of the forum. There's quite a bit of churn on ideas here, things we see over and over again. Odds are, you're not the first to think of something broad, in this case side switching, and if you read the history of the idea, it will give you some background and will allow you to put an unique take on an old idea rather than just rehashing the same stuff. If your idea is different, I'm much more willing to offer feedback. If its the same, I'm more likely to just leave your post alone because I get tired of typing the same thing over and over.
-Use easy-to-read formatting. No, this does not make me the 'grammar police,' although a nightstick might be handy- I digress. If you use easy-to-read formatting, it makes it much easier for me to understand your idea and to give good feedback on it. Big blocks of text are harder to read than paragraphs. So are all caps, no caps, random caps, no punctuation, etc. It's also a question of credibility. Not everyone agrees with this (Not everyone agrees with anything here), but if you use easy-to-read formatting, I will think you care enough about your idea for me to care enough to respond. It will also make me think you put some thought into the idea, not just "Hey, this is so cool, I must share it with everyone right now!"
-Details. Use details. As I mentioned before, many broad ideas encore here regularly. But the details are what make it interesting. How should side-switching work? What's the story behind it? What about AT balance? Do you envision pvp involved? Task forces? I'll happily discuss details with you, but broad ideas don't give me anyplace to start.
-Remember not everyone will agree with your ideas. In most cases, its not personal, and many times, people will provide reasons for their disagreement. Again, you'll get more bang for your buck if you have done the above. And this is a forum for players to discuss ideas with other players, help ideas develop. While the devs read here, posting will not guarantee a dev response.
Help us help you! And enjoy your time here.
Textilian -
Happy Monday peoples. I'm all burnt out from the weekend.
Coffee anyone?
*pours cups and sets out cream and sugar*
[/ QUOTE ]
Finally! Someone sent coffee!
*sips* -
Well, I'd like to go home, too. I have a lovely sewing room and an elegant dressing gown just waiting for me. And excellent radio reception and the classical station has been on a Romantics kick. And it's cold and raining and well, I just want to curl up with a book.
That's okay. Some of the decorative stitches my machine does ARE illegal, even if the boots aren't.
I fall over in stilletos.
For those kind of shoes, there are some excellent shops in San Fran proper. -
I'm at work. I'm sure you're wrong and this day won't end. Ever.
We need more pictures of shoes. Or maybe you can take a screenie of the Forbidden Leather Witch Top which has slipped onto the live servers. -
From the Adventure Diary of the Countess Clink Clank
Tonight we spent some time in Faultine. The engineering behind their dams is amazing, almost beyond belief. I was already impressed with their technological acuem, these future Americans, but to discover their engineering is on par simply took my breath away. Once our adventure is finished, I hope to spend more time at their universities and expand my own knowledge and skills.
We began our adventure a member short. We have not heard from Civil Twilight and our luck being what it sometimes is, I worry he's being held captive somewhere or some equally dire fate. Or he merely became engrossed in a novel and lost track of time.
Our first few missions were most enlightening. We rescued a young, inexperienced heroine, who styled herself "Fushionette." It was not until we met her mentor later, a Doctor Delilah, that I could see where she learned her rather juggernaught style; both women were hazards to themselves and to us, and only occasionally to our advesaries. We also encountered an 'Arbitar' for the first time. At first we took him for another type of bobby, but it appears his faction is not in favor, nor even located here in Paragon City.
It was also an evening of oddities. I would swear we completed identical adventures multiple times and perhaps this is even the case; as evidenced by our very presence here, it's no suprise the temporal stream is unstable.
And speaking of instability, the Professor shocked us all when he spoke in a tone not his own, something else about the timestream. I suspect possession, but we have not yet the time to diagnosis. Possession of a member of the Guild has happend before.
But we ended on a high note, rescuing the shopkeeper Mr. Yin and earning his gratitude. I, for one, would like the gratitude of his daughter, for she seems to have control over some of the marvelous clanks we have fought and I admired. -
All right, she fell for it. Fabric Expedition ahoy!
*packs bread*
*packs homemade jam* -
I find I like my bread better if I use scadled milk rather than water, and throw a couple of eggs into the dough. So for tonight, I'm going with wheat bread make with yeast, milk, melted butter, eggs, wheat flour (obviously) and a little bit of honey.
Like the 9-hour car ride to see family. Or the much, much shorter fabric expedition would work, too!
At the pre-expedition party, you're welcome to puruse my collection of books on costuming, including several excellent works on corsetry, too, Anightgirl.
Oh, and also, look at this . It's a fabric maker whose designs I often like. They made the rocket babies I used in Troll's quilt, for example. I'm also really liking their "Fun and Funky" collection, among many others. -
Tonight we start the Faultline arcs. We'll see what level we're at when we finish the arcs. If we're at 18 when we finish, I'd love to show off the Synapse TF. If we're higher, we may radio then safeguard before moving on to the rest of the arc at 20 and then to IP.
See you tonight.
Oh! It's stormy here. If I'm not on in time, it means we lost power or delayed on the road, and you should start without me. -
I am also a fascinating conversationalist which comes in handy on long car trips.
I finished a very simple patchwork lap quilt for a friend this morning and used a new-to-me binding technique and decorative stitching. It looks awesome. And Mr. Sins got our car tuned on up Monday, so yeah... I hear you on the "oof! Vehicle ownership!" front.
Tonight I'm making spicy black bean soup and I'm trying to decide what kind of bread to make to go with it. -
Did you see it came with blue highlights, too?
So are you going to make a shirt? If so, what kind? Details, I need details! Tell me about the buttons. -
I've decided to order the cowboy kids fabric for another baby quilt and the feminine skull fabric for a summer dress, and something terribly tacky for Mr. Sins new bowling shirt.
Yup, so I can hold about 10 threads!
[/ QUOTE ]
Oooooh! -
Sure, join the club!
Mr. Sins: What are these women and a cyborg doing in your sewing room?
Me: They're fabric nuts from Infinity and they're here for the pre-Fabric Expedition party!
Mr. Sins: I see.
Me: And Raiden has a built in rotary cutter!
Mr. Sins: ... -
It is! Actually, speciality clothes, and I'll count the highly stylized apron, is why I learned to sew in the first place. I love having unique pieces.
Aprons are sooo easy.
I have custom aprons and they're fun and cute and make me giggle, and they're the right size. I'm telling you, precon fabric party is in order. -
Remember, no team tonight. I'd hate for everyone else to log in but me and stand around doing the waiting emote before remembering.