Terrifying Terror

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  1. Terrifying Terror

    Animalistic ATs

    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    The Tier Nine should be the badger. Tier one could be marmots. Or prairie dogs.

    lol This! Tier 10 should be Amphibious Marmots!

    "We'll cut of your Johnson!" (Big Lebowski anyone?)
  2. I just tried the link and it said "Permission Denied"
  3. It would be awesome to use my PS3 controller!

    Played with DDR? lol That would be crazy!

    "Holy Arachnos Not-Bat-like-Man! It's Lord Recluse! We must attack at once!"
    -Start doing Irish Step Dance on DDR- "I am pwning this noob!"

  4. Since I am working on my very fist Hero and villian (hey, gotta play both ^_^) I am not following strict build guide, but just making what I think will be fun. Later on I most likely will respec or create a new character with "Ub3r L33+" build, but for now I just want to see what I can come up with.
  5. Thanks for the replies. I recleared the cave and got the item but still didn't work. Contacted GM (GM Hardy) and he found 3 baddies that got bored of guard duty and wandered off. Mission Complete!

    Loved the fast response time from the GM. Back on WoW, I had a ticket open for 48 hours once, so the 10 min I waited here was very nice.
  6. Hey all!

    I did my first mission from the Police Radio to get the Leshy Corpse in Kings Row. I got the glowie and its says I have it in the mission box. I couldn't figure out to complete it so I asked in the Mentor Chat and was told I needed to clear the entire room I was in, so I cleared it, and the entire cave but still no Mission Complete. If someone could help me figure out what I am doing wrong it would be appreciated.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dray TJ View Post
    Thanks for great tips guys

    p.s. sorry for hijacking your thread Terrifying Terror
    Don't be! You and others might ask questions I haven't even thought of.

    Jack: I'll search for that thread.
  8. Wow, thanks for the awesome tips! I was curious as to how the grouping would be different than WoW. I am also glad there is no gearscore as that was one of the reasons I left. (How can I get ICC gear if you won't let me IN ICC!?!? /facepalm)
  9. Hello! New player here, just upgraded my trial account 2 days ago after defecting from my first MMO (WoW)

    This game isn't as easy as WoW, which is a good thing. Means alot of customizing and variation. But I am looking for tips to help me get acclimated to the game. I am a level 6 Technology Blaster and as of right now the only contacts I have are in zones of lvl 12s. lol. I could use tips on finding level appropriate contacts, class roles, etc etc. Tips can be written or links to sources I can reference but any help is appreciated.