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  1. Whoo. The Rookery is not filled with food items today.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post

    Time to traumatise people. Remember folks £1 = US $1.60ish

    Modelling Supplies (Spray Cans, glue, paints, brushes, Planetary Empires, Books) - Approx. £200

    Trygon - £75
    16 Tyranid Raveners - £140
    46 Tyranid Gargoyles - £140

    Complete Epic Tyranid Army - £70

    Comic Book Stuffs - £160ish

    That's all in the past week. Yes. I geeked out properly.
    In the future you can feel free to send that disposable income my way.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post

    $200 or so worth of graphic novels.......maaaaaybe.
    This is gonna sound sad but that's what my friend spends on comic books every month if not more.
  4. *holds up clean hands and hopes no one saw him toss his gauntlets under the sofa*

    No clue what you're talking about.
  5. *picks up a clump of pudding and throws it at Fed then points to Tavian*

    He did it. Don't let the sleepy, non-caffinated look fool you.
  6. Not much of an RPer myself, done it a few times here and there. But this idea, this has piqued my interest. I like the idea of some massive event that encompasses the whole server or a good majority of it. I don't know how realistic/feesable it is.
  7. Yes it is a hover tank. You can fit one sackperson and one kitteh or one puppeh inside. Right now all it fires is catnip shells but I'll have more soon.
  8. *bursts through the front door sitting atop a sackperson size hover tank*

    Guess what's ready Fed?
  9. I was actually thinking about forming one myself especially since Virtue LFG Alpha seems to have become more of a chat channel then a teaming channel since Quinch gave up running it.
  10. Ah well since I don't have a DSi(and have no plans of getting one) I just have my plain old Cyclos Evolution DS. Totally for legal purposes of course.

    *walks outside and dies laughing*
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
    I'm waiting for a class 4 8GB Micro SD card, a new USB reader, and a couple of things for my DS as well
    Sounds like someone ordered a flash cart. If so which one did you get?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
    What are you expecting in the mail?
    My bet is a Chechnyan mail order bride but that could be the utter lack of sleep speaking.
  13. Don't worry Pogo I'm afraid to even touch half of what you have in there. Most of it looks like it will explode at any minute. Could explain why there are so many explosions from your lab to begin with.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
    *dashes in and gets slows by the pudding*


    *grabs his gallon of coffee*

    Morning everyone. No Pudding for me. I need to keep my girlish figure.
    Takes a lot of hard work and dedication to keep rocking that kilt huh.
  15. Anyone watched to leaked Iron Man 2 fotage yet?
  16. There's an idea Maddie. Also liking the new icon.
  17. *tosses Neko a small pouch of catnip*

    I got ya covered kitteh.
  18. Morning Emmi. Morning Madisen. Puppeh fired the cleaning crew so we're gonna have pudding for awhile.
  19. Hmm...gonna have to start remembering to lock the fridge around the puppeh. I think I'll hide out in my lab that I've temporaily taken over from Pogo while he's not here. Oh and everyone better watch out for the formation of the dreaded pudding skin.

    *locks the lab door behind him and puts up a "Do Not Disturb" sign"
  20. Why is this place always filled with food items? I'm still finding clumps of apple sauce everywhere.
  21. *sticks a sign on the door to Pogo's lab that reads in large letters "Tech-Striker's Lab" and under that in very small letters "Until Pogo returns."*

    There and now I'm off to check the status of Fed's new tank. I think they decided to make it a hover tank just for fun.
  22. *pokes his head out of Pogo's lab*

    Uh hi. I hope you don't mind I'm poking around up here. I promise not to blow anything up. At least I hope I wont. Glad the surgery went well. Gotta love idiot drivers. Wish they'd issue IQ tests along with driver's tests.
  23. Don't worry Fed I created a whole sackperson divison to create new toys for you. Captain A beat me to market with your sackperson mech though. Next up is the sackperson tank complete with catnip rounds to combat the kittehs.
  24. *picks up Fed and places him in the basket of a sackperson sized hot air balloon*

    It even has a full armament of water balloons to drop on unsupecting people. Have fun.