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  1. I have a robots/traps mastermind, and it fit's my concept brilliantly.

    Although my concept does come from the White Wolf game, 'Mage'.

    My character is a rogue man in white, and has the ability to call upon the Technocracy technology that he stole while climbing his way up the ranks. The nice things with that concept is that the Technocracy can do pretty much anything as they combine magic and technology to create 'mundane' items, like robots, healing devices and such like.

    I always find it's easier to create a character with the powers you want, and then create a concept and story arc aorund that, rather than try to fit a concept into a 'limited'* game.

    *By limited, I mean that the game doesn't have the same freedon that your imagination does. You are limited by the options presented to you, thus use your tolls first and then work aorund the problem using a limitless resource... your imagination!!

    Regardless though... have fun!!
  2. Talyn_EU

    Naming minions

    Well, having 2 MM's here's the names...they are both only level 9, and only 2 minions each...

    The Ninja MM -

    John Smiths

    The Robot MM

    Battle Bot 1.1
    Battle Bot 1.2

    Ny friends robot MM has Battle Bot 1.4 & 1.5.

    Eventually we'll have a full set.

    What I'll name the rest I don't know...