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  1. I have to admit, this has been an amusing bug for me and my friend regarding sudden outbursts of 'THIS HOUSE IS UNCLEAN!' and 'YOUR MOTHER S*** C***** in H***', but I can definitely see the issue. XD
  2. I'm sure this has gone by, so I apologize if this is a suggestion stacked on top of another one, but my personal ambition for my base is to get it feeling like an aircraft. Personal helicarrier, anyone? [Yes, I have Nick Fury Aspirations.] For this, I'm not asking much, just perhaps a few engine-room styled pieces, maybe the option to use a dropdown trap door or a wall hatch as a entry instead of a glowy portal? And viewports. Please, viewports. Some skies, some space, windows, please. I'm sure not ALL of us want a base that's underground, and some thematic pieces I'm sure would make LOTS of people happy.

    And to second a long-made opinion, I have a fully functional bar... where are my stools?
  3. Just a little reply and clarification. Char's modified red Zaku was famous for being, quote 'Three times as fast as a normal Zaku'.

    From what I understand, this is a fairly famous line in Japan, going so far as to have a Gundam-themed credit card, which has an upgrade to to the card featuring Char, which has a credit limit 3 times as high.

    Hey, remember, Char is their equivalent icon to Darth Vader in many respects. He's pretty famous.