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  1. ^^^^^^^
    What Zappalina said plus this:

  2. Talia_Rayvyn

    Going to Rehab

    Macod was not properly consulted by a defense attorney, nor was there a proper trial to convict him of said crimes before he was to have an appeal case!

    Also I'm the Empress and I said so.
  3. Happy Birthday Brax, hope your day was grrrrrrrrrrrrreat!!!

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaderath View Post
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone

    And Tal... is that a ZIM! TG pic in your sig?

    Dunno what you're talking about.
  5. Thanks Zappalina, I hope yours is super special awesome as well.

    Happy Thanksgiving Justice!

    *runs back to the kitchen to check on pecan pie*

    Happy Birthday!

    I hope your day is as vunderbar as joo!

  7. Talia_Rayvyn


    I was browsing the new Booster Pack thread for screenshots of the new costume/hairstyles when I came across a particular post.

    After reading said post I do what I always do, half-glance at their signature/avatar pictures. And then I saw it... your avatar. I about died laughing from the awesome then I saw the name of the person who owned said avatar and I exclaimed "waitamin...TJ!?!?!?!"

    So kudos to you, TJ. You are currently in possession of my favorite faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous forum avatar.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    Here is a new piece from http://taclobanon.deviantart.com/

    I'm expecting a commission on my birthday now Kat.
  9. Hope you have a Happy Birthday despite...well... you know...

  10. Happy Birthday to the most GQ man on Justice! Sorry I thought you were kidding

    Enjoy your present!
  11. Congrats on escaping Skynet another year.

  12. Hope everyone has a safe, happy and fun All Hallow's Eve!
  13. *Makes note to tell Vest this thread exists*

    Happy Birthday!

  14. Happy Birthday to my favorite person in Ohio!!

  15. The night was hot and the room dark. A sudden ignition of a multitude of candles feel like an explosion of the sun to my eyes. The scent from the freshly made cake is almost as intoxicating as the sight of her curves. I hear her exhale as the freshly dragged smoke lifts from her mouth into the air, mingling with the ghostly wisps from the candles in a seductive dance. With her lips pursed together I begin to recall the taste of her lipstick... taking me back to that night where tempers flared, guns blazed and our passion was set aflame in the spiraling chaos.

    She looks at me and like the chorus of a thousand angels saving me from my own personal hell she whispers....

    "Happy Birthday Noir...."

  16. Grats Mekkydoo, Fems and Wrong!!!

    Justice will soon be known as the MA Creativity Server.
  17. Talia_Rayvyn

    Video Card Help

    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    Unfortunately, about 10 minutes after I made my initial post, I went to launch CoH and the issue came back. Screen froze, blue lines, the whole bit. This time, however, I can't fix it. So, looks like I'm going to be out of game for a while.

    Ohnoes!! We'll miss you Arwen!
  18. Baby OK After Train Hits Stroller

    The security footage shows the mother stopping on the platform with the stroller facing the tracks. She lets go of the stroller's handle without applying the brake, and appears to hitch her pants with both hands.

    The stroller's front wheel drifts toward the track, and the stroller rolls toward the edge, flipping over as it hits the tracks. The mother spots it just before it pitches over the side, and lunges forward - too late.

    The train pulls into the station, and the mother clutches her face in apparent panic and devastation. As the train stops, onlookers rush forward. The whole incident took about seven seconds.

    The train pushed the stroller about 130 feet (40 meters) along the tracks before it stopped, but it did not go under the train.

    The baby, who was strapped into the stroller, received only a bump on the head.

    YouTube Video of Incident
  19. Happy Birthday to Kensei and Kerse!

    Fate has destined the founder of Team Awesome and the Silliest man on Justice to grow old on the same day each year!
  20. That linkie didn't work for me so I found another one for ya BA!