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  1. Talia Rayvyn likes your post.

    Grats Stamp!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CityofChange View Post
    You have to "dedicate" yourself to my will 1st.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CityofChange View Post
    I got Ex_Lib and it turned out to be her final ingame event. Maybe I'm the touch of death...so if you know of a redname you wanna get rid of...point me in that direction.

    You bought Ex? I want your secret to making those billions!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
    Was this a wedding?
    Reminds me of every time I log in or when I zone in from a mission, Arwen.

    Very fun contest Ice_Knight and the screenshots submitted were EPIC!
  5. Talia_Rayvyn

    Hey Justice!

    I didn't recognize Frog without his necromancer hat on......

    Now there's a lot of ...words there, someone tl'dr to your Empress what exactly this "the Tester" is about. Again, since it's Frog, I'm assuming it's Necromancy-related.
  6. Well there was a small nugget of hope for Starcraft 2 today. New patch to prepare for Phase 2 of the Beta came up (gogo 480 MB patch for a RTS) and it said:
    • Enabled the ability to manually add a StarCraft II character friend using the player's character code. Character code is a server-assigned numerical code that is displayed within the Add Friend panel.
    So looks like the whole exclusive RealID friends list in-game went out the window... We just have to input a <whoknowshowlong> character code to just add people by their game-name.

    I consider that progress in the right direction cause the manditory RealID friends list caused a huge uproar in the SC2 forums for the past month. So hopefully that means Blizzard will reverse the mandatory RealID for their forums as well.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    Let us all make note of a moment when Cryptic while running Champions made a smarter move than Blizzard.

    It was noticed on 07/07/10 6:50 PM Pacific

    And I LoL'd.
  8. Talia_Rayvyn

    Has anyone....

    Originally Posted by lucas View Post
    I'm not mad, i'm just that important is all.

    I don't even know who you are anymore

    ..No seriously, who are you. The Lucas -I- know had a freaky Kevin avatar. You're like some kinda Preatorian Nemesis Automation Lucasbot.

    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    I am scared . . .
    I am Talia Rayvyn and this is my favorite Flea on the Justice server.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
    I'm not saying it could happen on World of Warcraft, but at its worst, the game has been associated with suicide, parental neglect, self-harm and abuse, theft and murder. They're incredibly evocative stories that obviously generate the worst impression people can have about gamers and their personalities. Now you have an oncoming situation where if someone takes a percieved offence online that they'll act upon it.

    I think the users using the aforementioned pipl site (however well-intentioned they could've been) took a dangerous tack. But arguably it cuts both ways; what's to say Blizzard wouldn't do the same to a player they considered a 'risk', and release their information to authorities?

    I'm lucky; I searched myself on pipl and got two hits, neither of which revealed any information I wasn't comfortable about sharing already. But this is Pandora's Box to me. I frankly doubt the WoW community will be as responsible as Blizzard hopes, and I doubt Blizzard is being as responsible as the community hopes.
    The first community that will have to deal with this is the Starcraft 2 forums. The current plan is to install this new RealID Forum system in the new SC2 forums before the game launches in 3 weeks. World of Warcraft won't be experiencing the new forum until just before Cataclysm is released..whenever that is.

    HuskyStarcraft put up a commentary about his views on it as a SC player and as a member of the professional SC circuit. As Starcraft's entire Battle.net experience is based around 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 competition I think the potential [censored]storm from knowing the name of your competitor is higher than even in WoW. If you think being on a 5-man heroic or 25-man raid PuG is horrible just try to deal with the verbal abuse from an opponent that gets rushed or a partner that thinks you're not macroing fast enough.
  10. This was Super Duper fun last year and I was glad to participate!

    I will definitely be there for the bidding cause I love seeing how much the Rednames go for.
  11. Information Update From the Blue Names:

    Question: Will the Real-ID opt-out that we can set for our children's account also keep them from posting on the forums?

    You will be able to set up Parental Controls to disallow a minor from posting.
    One important point which I don't believe has been relayed yet is that the switch to showing RealID on the forums will only happen with the new forum systems we're launching for StarCraft II shortly before its release, and a new forum system for World of Warcraft launching shortly before the release of Cataclysm.

    All posts here on the current World of Warcraft forums, or any of our classic Battle.net forums, will remain as-is. They won't (and can't) automatically switch to showing a real first and last name.

    All posts in the future on the new forum systems will be an opt-in choice and ample warning will be given that you're posting with your real first and last name.
    Just to respond to those that don't think we read through all of these responses and threads, we do and have been. We will continue monitoring feedback as well.

    We put a lot of thought into this change and have a long-term vision for the Real ID service and wanted to make sure that we communicated ahead of time and very clearly as to what will be changing and how. Keep in mind that posting is optional, and we recognize that some players will choose not to utilize the Real ID feature in game or post on the forums and support everyone's individual choice on using or not using it.

    This is obviously new ground for us and for you as well, but we want to make sure we're creating a great social-gaming service that people will want to use. We just want to make sure that if people are sharing feedback, that they keep it constructive, and yes, as I said, we are reading.

    Hopefully they'll respond to the other bazillion concerns that have been raised since the announcement was released.
  12. Talia_Rayvyn

    Has anyone....

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    I negrepped you for not making any sense.

    If I was Mac (PS: Love the avatar) I'd be devastated. Forum rep is the only thing that validates my existence.

    But seriously, PumBumbler, you've been making me L.o.L. a lot. Stop that.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
    Oh, I see the point they're making but I wish they wouldn't do it like that.

  14. Talia_Rayvyn

    Has anyone....

    Originally Posted by RedSwitchblade View Post
    Tired of living? Bored on levelling way? taliarayvyn.com !! 1 confusing post only USD $5!

    Seriously, I read this 8 times and I still can't figure out what's going on here, or why.
    If only I had room on my signature, that would be perfect RedSwitchblade. <3

    Originally Posted by lucas View Post
    You really shouldn't post a bunch of non sense cause it bumps important posts about me.
  15. RealID is already in World of Warcraft and in Starcraft 2.

    With that being said in WoW it is 100% optional. If you want to be real friends with someone you add them to your list and you can see and communicate with them in whatever game they are in. If you are friends with someone but don't want them to know who you are, you just add them to your normal friends list. I don't mind this idea because if you don't like it you can simply ignore it.

    In Starcraft 2during phase 1 of the Beta (waiting to see if they change it in Phase 2 but I doubt it), RealID is 100% manditory. If you want to add someone to your friend's list then they MUST be RealID friends. No one playing the SC2 Beta liked this idea and the threads against it were gignormous. I didn't like that Blizzard set it up this way, but also did not mind it personally. I only played solo or with friends and my friends already knew my identity. However, from watching HDStarcraft and HuskyStarcraft I learned that it is a GIANT PITA for people if you are trying to set-up tournaments, etc. Because you're basically forced to give out your IRL information to not only the tournament organizers but also your opponents in the tourney. So overall, another bad mistake for Blizzard.

    The forum thing just makes no sense whatsoever. I think its a terrible terrible idea to hand out personal information like that, especially since its the biggest MMO in the industry right now. This kind of press so close to launching 2 big games this year (Starcraft and Cataclysm) is only going to serve to hurt their business. But will it affect me personally? No, the only forums I bother to post in is this one. I read the WoW Forums occasionally but I've never posted there and never had any intention of posting there so it doesn't affect me. I also think anyone that is in the same boat as me (don't post there, never going to post there) that are getting up in arms and yelling "I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER BLIZZARD GAME" were just looking for an excuse to not buy one, because the change doesn't affect them either. However, for the people that do post there, they rightfully should be extremely angry about this and if Blizzard doesn't change their policy on it should ban together and make/find an official unofficial Blizzard forum and move there en mass.

    Also I put the blame for it all squarely on Activision not Blizzard.
  16. Talia_Rayvyn

    Has anyone....

    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    In English we say, "Good morning."
    In Gaelic we say, "Dia dhuit ar maidin."

    So trathnona maith agat to you Enrious, for it is not yet the morn.
  17. Talia_Rayvyn

    Has anyone....

    Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

    Also: Has anyone though about what if it snowed in San Francisco?
  18. Talia_Rayvyn

    O hai Justice!

    Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
    Just neg rep him and be nice to his face. That always works for me.

    Oh hai, Quatermain...
    And for the third time in this thread PumBumbler has made me laugh out loud.

    You sir may have one Internet or Hazard Zone of your choice.
  19. Talia_Rayvyn


    Dear Justice,

    The Empress
  20. Talia_Rayvyn

    O hai Justice!

    Originally Posted by Stampead View Post
    Heh... I'm sorry Spaced. :/

    And I see this thread has 90 views. I feel that means I should have 90 "Welcome backs."

    I feel slightly slighted.
    My welcome back equates to at least 75 by anyone else.
  21. Talia_Rayvyn


    Hi Randy, I'm Talia!

    It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance (this word has been brought to you by the Check Spelling feature) sir.

    Avatar = My Criminal from All-Points Bulletin.
  22. Talia_Rayvyn

    O hai Justice!

    Yay my third... wait *counts* FIFTH husband is back!

    Wasn't expecting you back till August though.
  23. Talia_Rayvyn


    When I see that picture all I can think of is...