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Quote:I blame Karl for a block of text!I blame Karl for the horrid lunch experience I had today.
and encase anyone was wondering, this is how it went down. So seniors at my school are allowed to sign out for part of the day to go get something to eat or w/e. I signed out at lunch, so I had 30 minutes to go down to my local grocery store and get a super yummy sub. By the time I signed out I only had 20 minutes or so before my next class started. A 2 minute drive each way took me like 15 minutes due to traffic lights. Once in the store I waited for the person in front of me to finish so I could place my sub order. Well the guy finished her sub, then she proceeded to order like 3 more foot long subs. Running low on time I had to come up with an alternative plan. I ended up grabbing a small bottle of sweet tea and a 8oz hunk of mild Wisconsin cheddar. Next I come to the cash register where some old hooligan is unloading their whole kart in the ten items or less lane. Seeing no other lane as a better option I waited. When it came time for her to pay, she opens her purse takes out cash, and starts sifting through her purse to find exact change! Arg Flargle Glargle Well I finally paid for my meager snack and got to my car when I realized I had no way of opening the package of cheese. Deciding action must be taken I took the closest pointy object and rammed it into the block of cheese. (my pen probably wasn't the wisest choice I have ever made) Once Open I tried to drive back to school while gnawing off chunk of that cheesy goodness. I made it back with one minute to spare. Karl I blame you for the traffic lights, the lady ordering the subs and the lady that HAD to pay with exact change because they were obviously Ninja Karl spies. -
Quote:You guys may have noticed I been gone, well I started playing WoW again and of course got back into raiding... and well yea Im like one of the top 10 geared tanks on my server so... CoX is on the back burner for a bit. But just wanted to stop in and say wassup and that if any of you wanna say Hi to me. I play on Moonrunner, (A) toon name is Ragnardarkan
Alliance? Moonrunner? But why?!? -
LOL @ Karl for being the target of all our blame
LOL @ KB cause he knows that he'll know that Sun Sucks
LOL @ Miki for being a griefer. *high five*
Quote:Yeah, was on this team. Everything went smoothly, everything awarded except for the badge. Waiting for GM response.We just did it. I'm happy for you all, and I'm gonna let you finish, but . . . same results as everyone else so far:
- Merits Awarded Correctly
- "Arbiter" badge received by those who didn't have it yet
- No one received "Master of the 5th Column Strike Force" badge
- No GM response yet
Triumph, are you guys ready for the kill? Are you ready for one of the biggest TCF moments ever? Are you ready to give Triumph a new nickname? Stay tuned!
If interested in the alpha strike, please feel free to listen to my ranting tomorrow night!
Now's the time Triumph. Let's show the power a server has when it rejects that which is Pants!
Quote:This is where people end up with double pluses and such. Dammit Triumph, we must overcome Protector!ok, I was really hazy on that too >_> In any case I'll make up a new rant!
So I'm scrolling through the votes over the last half hour and the numbers got a little boggled and one of the people posts something saying all the numbers need to add up to 130, but instead of fixing it they just leave it! REALLY? If your going to call it out, fix it. -
LOL @ Fo for getting infected with a virus
Don't let them hear you say that, they might eat your face