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  1. Sub_Vet_1999

    Super Groups

    How does one go about promoting members of an SG?
    Do both toons have to be online at the same time?
  2. I have a serious problem that I need to get resolved . . .
    The control room in my base says that I can have 1 control and 15 control aux, the problem is that the mainframe only allows 9 control aux (databases) to be attached to it. I have tried creating another control room with separate mainframe and databases (program won't let me do it)
    or is there a way to attach all 15 control aux to the mainframe?

    Another question is: How do I acquire Tier 2 control devices such as a Supercomputer so I can attach an advanced database to it?
  3. Sub_Vet_1999

    Teleport Beacons

    I have the personal badges for the beacons, now where/how do I go about acquiring/buying them and then how do I place them?
  4. I have two questions:
    #1 Why is there a difference in what can be crafted from bases to base?
    (i.e. in one base I have the ability to make chain guns for defense, in another the best I can do is make a weakness field)

    #2 How can you attach the advanced database to the control system?
    I've tried every variable I can think of to no avail
  5. I couldn't find Egghead marked on the Vidiot map for Cap au Diable. Do you happen to know where it is located?
  6. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ! ! !

    You are a lifesaver and a god send, I owe you big time !!!
  7. Is there an easier way to acquire the required exploration badges to make a base transporter functional?
    Also, if that is not possible, are there any clues about where in each zone these badges/sites are located?