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Quote:Okay, just as a thought then, you may want to designate someone to contact that way if no one is online someone would know who to send an offline tell to, but just a suggestion.as of now, there is no primary contact person, and to be honest i dont think there will be any 1 person.
Out of us though, id say im easier to contact currently given everyone elses schedules.
As for the immediate reason I was wondering, you'll get a tell from me in a few minutes. -
Moving forward, is there a specific person who will be the contact for this group? Or is it just whoever you can catch in game to pester?
Let me know if you all want to give this another shot sometime soon, I have the badges on most toons but I'm available to fill if need be.
Of course I was still at work while this happened.... stupid real life getting in the way of mah gamin
Still looking to get the badge on Stray, but she's redside right now so as far as blueside raids are concerned, just ask if you need help, otherwise I'll defer to the next person.
Looking over everything they have on there, I give this the thumbs up assuming they're all the latest versions.
Quote:Actually, as many times as I've run this TF, I've seen more deaths and more master runs failed because of Ghost Widow's "uber hold" than at Lord Recluse. I would actually say that as far as master runs are concerned, you actually also have a better chance of dying at Dr. Aeon or the tree than LR, just because LR's aggro is much easier to control.I've not failed an STF at the Patrons. I think if a team has any real trouble with them, they may as well drop and try again with different alts/friends since Lord Recluse is an order of magnitude harder.
Unless of course the trouble you had was due to having 8 tanks on the team who could hold off any enemy, but needed to melee GW and so allowed her to heal a lot. In that case, LR might go fine lol.
Master runs should require all team members to pay a deposit to the NCsoft store of $25. Whoever dies loses their deposit and can't make another attempt for one month. Either that, or the badge should be based on whether *you* personally die or not, during the run.
Yeah, I'm fed up with people dying in Master runs for no reason -
I'm pretty much open other than what was previously mentioned, so pick a time and go with it.
Occasionally, their aggro gets linked. I haven't seen it in awhile and I'm not sure what causes it, but typically if you can't get a single pull and this is happening (which is what it sounds like in this case) your best bet is to have everyone log for 10 to reset the mission.
Fwiw, you do not have to have set bonuses to complete this TF, I've done it on teams that don't have them. However, without set bonuses the difficulty goes up exponentially, and the chances of getting a master are even slimmer.
If you want to try again early-ish on Friday (have plans at 9pm est) or anytime on Saturday, I can be there, and I may be able to recruit some other people to help out. May take a couple tries, but I've successfully completed master runs on this TF probably 100 times or more. -
Its not as bad, much easier to single pull. That being said, its not uncommon to get more than one. Most teams will just scatter and run "back to the boat" if they pull too many on a master run.
Unfortunately I'll be at work, so best of luck to you. Just remember to keep a cool head and have several on your team who have done it successfully and you should be fine. Also, you can never have enough buffs/debuffs