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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    Some of my work..

    I officially want a cupcake now!
  2. Sweet creating new toon tonight, the wife and I will be joining "Justice" Folks for the invasion

    -Just created new toons for the invasion we'll looking to join the sg and we already Joined the invasion channel so we'll give a holler in there. Really looking forward to this guys, thnx for sparking up intrest
  3. My home server is Champion, so would you consider this a Multi-contingent invasion? I know 2 of us from the server will be there I can't speak for others.
  4. I really wished I had a chance to see this thread sooner this sounds like a lot of fun, I would have made a toon just for this. I'd be able to make one bhut by tommorrow it'll only be a lvl 10 at most. I guess I can transfer a toon over rename it "Justice___"
  5. Thanks for your hospitality Justice while on Tanker Tuesday, i'm looking forward to seeing all again next month. lots O fun!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coolbreese View Post
    Welcome back DA!
    Orgo!!!! Where ya been!?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
    Sounds like a desperate scam.
  8. Hey im transferring one of my Tanks from my home server to follow Tanker Tuesdays on other servers looking forward to playing with ya this Tuesday. SIgn me also for Katie, i'll be bringing me elec/elec tank
  9. Awesome you guys make it look too easy!
  10. SteelDominator

    Zube Represents

    Gratz you gotta post when you hit the big 1G!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post
    CoP By Mc Phat Cherry

    Amy with harmony
    Cobalt drop a load on em

    CoP, how can I explain it?
    We'll take you frame by frame it
    to have ya'll jumpin', shall we sing it?
    C if for Cathedral, O is for people sayin of?
    the last P, well, that's not that simple

    Its sorta like another way to call a Corr a Kahlan..
    Its 4 little letters that are missin here
    you get it on occasion when your other teammates aren't gamin',
    and it seems i gotta start to explainin'..

    You ever seen this Stormy guy and met him with nice hello?
    you got his name and # and start to feelin real mellow?
    You get to the base, wait for a day, Stormy,hes what you wanna know about

    Then you team up head in and find out..
    that we're really goin to someone else's house

    It's not a front, F to the R to the O to the N to the T
    its Just that other guy Joe and we're really kickin it at his house
    (Boy, that's not so scary)

    It's CoP, Teamin' with other people once you get in
    There's no room for b***s*** there's just room to hit it

    How many AT's are out there know just what I'm gettin' at
    Who thinks it's wrong 'cos Heroes & Vills are co-hittin' at
    Well if you do, that's a CoP and you're not down with it
    But if you do here's your temp membership

    You down For a Cop? (ya! you know me)
    You down For a Cop? (ya! you know me)
    You down For a Cop? (ya! you know me)

    Who's down with the Cop (every last homie)
    Who's down with the Cop (every last homie)
    Who's down with the Cop (every last homie)

    HHAHAHAH Awesome!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    Where did you ever get all that money, you have a full time job man. =P

    TT is like an armor plated energizer bunny from hell, it'll keep trucking somewhere even after this game.

    For Nets last TT everyone bring a 50 Ice tank and lets shut down the damn server like in the old days.
    Nets last TT?? Who is taking over for Champion server TT?!
  13. I'll lead a TF..looking at doing a Manti TF lvl 30+
  14. I saw her on her on this last weekend

    Condolences to her family, we will miss you @Creepy Chick
  15. YAY Gratz to Cherry!! Da woman is the MC of Champion server!! (Go go go shorty it's ya B-day...we going to party like its you B-day!)
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Star_Fire View Post
    How did everyone like the questions?

    Too easy?

    Too hard?

    About right?

    The questions were easy just had to be quick at the key board to fire the answers right away. Horus and placta are gifted at speed typing the answers. I Had a great time, looking forward to more events in the future. >.> @ Cherry
  17. SteelDominator

    The Vote it is.

    Originally Posted by NATOR View Post
    So with Force becoming Mayor... I think it might be time for me to step down and take a leave from game.
    You really confuse me sometimes Nator.
  18. Awesome turn-out and Gratz to all the winners, Looking forward to more events!! I had a blast and there is no other place i'd rather be on a Friday night, thanks Dazz, Cherry, fanged..PERC for holding this event!!
  19. Hey all I havent been in game the last week becuase Iv'e been studying my butt off for the SGT Audie Murphy Board, (A prestigous Club where only 1% of the Army NCO's are a part of) and I was accepted today! Being in this club accelerates promotion and recongniton in the U.S Army. To help Celebrate this personal achievment i'll be donating money to the nearest PERC Rep when I log in later in game!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cinkidd View Post
    I would like to thank Amily, Kahlan, Giulia Tofana, Cobalt Abyssean, Force of Oblivion, Bulwark of Darkness and Renaissance de in Veritas SG for helping me and my friend Chuck get the MoSTF done.

    These folks made it look sick easy, and were very gracious to allow us to join them on their Vent server.

    Thanks Again,

    Rich the MoSTF Badge Guy
    Very happy for you to get this badge, especially with a great group of people. These same people mentioned above helped me get my first Master badge. Gratz!
  21. If im on i'll be happy to assist just lemme know what you need, even a toon that already has the badge
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cinkidd View Post
    Steel and I did a regular STF last night and it was awesome.

    Rich the Awesome Guy
    Hey anytime, I just wanted to show you one technique of how a Master should be ran but during a Regular one. What AT's could help, Email inspirations, and different approaches to use for AV's remember though plans are often made with failing in mind, just have to be very flexible on the run sometimes. There are many Veterans as you see in this post with may more ways to skin this MoSTF. Good luck to you in the futrue and hope you get the badge.
  23. Multiple nominees?

    Undead Cyborg

    Based on hosting server events for the greater good of the server