389 -
Quote:Oh, i'm not saying that we will be able to sway others feelings, more at the assertion that CoH had a small number of players. I don't concider 9 million to be a small number.I was talking to my best friend about this whole deal this weekend. I was telling him how I was not going to ever give another penny to NCSoft. Guess what he did in return? Keep trying to convince me to buy Guild Wars 2.
This is our pain. We can try to convince others, but you will never manage to make others to feel the way we feel. Ever. Best you can do is add a bit of skepticism in some one that never cared for NCSoft titles before, but it's going to be very very hard for you to actually change the heart of some one that gets hyped by marketing of a new title just due to how we feel about this betrayal. -
Quote:An estimated 9 million players is a small number? And 54 million poeple is still a small number???Six times the number of angry CoH customers is still a very small number - otherwise, they wouldn't have needed to shut it down.
scource? Well, before you ask... Here -
Quote:How about just Positron's statement in his goodbye thread that "Freedom wasn't a failiure" if the aim of Freedom was to increase the profit margin and Freedom wasn't a failiure, than that must mean that CoH wasn't running at a loss.That's pretty hard to establish. Or do you have inside information?
At any rate, I don't think it was making so much money that PWI would quickly recoup what they'd have to pay NCSoft to take it over.
Couple that with the fact that CO stands to get a nice boost from CoH closing, and I still fail to see how buying CoH would make any kind of economic sense for PWI.
The fact that the speed of development went up in the last year because they suddenly had the money to do so can only mean that CoH wasn't loosing money.
Simple logic really. But as LittleDavid said, you can't make a claim like you did, that CoH was loosing money with no facts to back it up then demand proof when someone disagrees with you. -
Quote:Ah, but I also know, from my comunication with Avatea over the mater, that the use of the Neo part of the name was disalowed on that non-trenchoat-wearing toon specifically, as it could be deemed, with the original name, to refer to Neo-Nazi, and have nothing to do with the movie character. Even though, I had, pre genericing, gone to lengths to disacociate the character from anthing nazi like (other than the name but accociation) in his Biog.And as I said in my previous post "it's possible that the GM involved had already been told or had determined that Neo would not be allowed."
Just as several of the Neo named characters I saw generic'd before we got trenchcoats.
Either way, I didn't post the story to whine that I was wrongfully genericed, Even if to a degree I believe it was over vealous, but to point out that IP violation is not the only cause for being genericed and just how cautious the GM's can be over the situation. -
Quote:Well, My character names are Neo-Chamber, Neo-Chan (Neo-Chambers little sister), and the late Neo-Fuhrer, so yes, in all cases, it is used as a prefix, just with a hyphen. Neo-Chamber did used to wear a trench coat all the time, but recently got a make over and no-longer does. Neither of my 3 Neo- characters could ever be said to be in any way a likeness of the matrix character. Neo-Chamber, both old and new looks, can be seen in the GGRRR comics by Night Hornet as posted in the city of comics creators thread on these boards.Whether the name Neo was in use on other characters or in the name of the SG doesn't matter. If anything, it could make those characters a target for being generic'd as well.
There have been several characters with Neo in the name that have been generic'd over the years. I've known a few of them although it's been a really long time since I've seen them so can't recall their exact names.
Mostly they were generic'd for one reason. Or for The One reason. Neo.
Since that character was one of the characters used in the little comic strip in the Prima guide when they were talking about originality in characters and names, it's possible that the GM involved had already been told or had determined that Neo would not be allowed.
Many of the ones I know of that were generic'd was before the addition of Trenchcoats. After Trenchcoats were added I know of several more that were generic'd because they tried to copy the look as well.
It's also possible that it was interpreted as being a reference to the fictional race called Neo in the X-Men comics.
Yes, as a prefix neo means new, but that's as a prefix. The way you were using it in the name it isn't a prefix. Now, if you'd named it Neofuhrer it would have fit into the usage you described as still being common in Germany and would have fit the definition of neo as a prefix.
As has been pointed out before in another thread, Hercules, being a greek god from mythology, is not a copywriten/trademark character. Which is why, at least, marvel, DC and Disney all have thier own versions of a Hercules character. No one company has exclusive rights to a super hero named Hercules, only a hercules with a certain look and certain powers. -
Yep, that is indeed the word I meant to type and don't know why the hell I typed mute instead. Major fail on my part.
Quote:As for whether or not the use of the word Fuhrer was moot due to the return of the 5th Council, there are several people that would be offended by the use of that name.
The historical figure most people associate with that title was a promoter of genocide and his policies and ideologies led to the deaths of millions of people.
Even though the word may still be in use in Germany, many in the rest of the world would still find the use of that term offensive.
From Wikipedia:
The character avaoided any icon or imagry related to the nazi party and was played with a very different ideology, EG,, non of that racial purity nonsence. Even so, CoH's 5th column and council have more a connection to the nazi party than my toon did, as does marvel character with a similar head to this toon (Unintentional, but something I realised afterwards), Red Skull.
Though I conceeded the useage of the offending word without any bitterness, the only hang up, and what caused the deletion of the character was the banning of the use of the word Neo. A word I use on 2 other heroic characters, a word an in game awuantance uses for every single one of his characters, and a word used in the name of the SG he was created to lead. -
Only ever had 1 character genericed, and not for an IP Violation.
Several years ago, before the server merge, I decided to create a villian group to the GGRRR super group after I honourably promoted to leader position. For the VG name I decided to go with a play on words with my SG main toon's name, Neo Chamber, in order to make the group easilly identifiable to the SG members. So I came up with the name Neo World Order.
So then, with the VG Name sorted I needed just the right character to be super leader of the VG, so I rolled a merc MM in red and black fatigues, red skull mask and tech face details. Now, I had to work the Neo part into the name, and after comming up with a back story of being a failed eastern european dictator with a tech fetish I went with the name Neo Fuhrer. Using Fuhrer in it literal translaton of leader. A word still in common usage in germany to this day.
Played for a few months, got to the early 40's and was really enjoying playing him. Then one day, upon logging in to find him genericed. My appeals for the name failed, dispite my pointing out the fact that the word was common usage in germany, and the fact, the the reason the name was deemed offensive was mute as the 5th column had just made their return to the game, who follow the very same theme that my toon was following. Then all my alternate names were rejected, as, even though none of them contained the original "Offensive word", they all contained the, to me at least, conceptually required word, Neo.
We came to an impasse and I ended up deleting and never did come up with a replacememt, though I have recently rolled that toons daughter as a heroic mercs MM for and SG theme team.
I relate this story just to highlight that IP violation is not the only reason for being genericed. any name that is reported as "Offensive" can be genericed. and it appeared the GM's also very much, err on the side of caution in those cases. -
you may prefer it, but it is wrong, Waistcoat, to you americans, would be called a vest.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waistcoat -
Quote:Powers are ballenced on more than just their effect. End cost, recharge, duration and good ole risk Vs reward. DS has a bigger regen/recovery, yes, the but it also has a longer recharge then say, Force of Thunder will have in I24, a bigger recharge to duration gap (FoT recharges quicker than it's duration where as DS's duration is only 1/4th its recharge) Almost all the other powers are auto-hit, so it is a garenteed buff, and the only other power that will need a hit check is aranged power rather than DS's 10ft radius PBAOE, giving it sufficiantly more risk to the user than any other power, so it should indeed be better than the others.Leaving the power absurdly out of scale compared to all other regen abilities is not intelligent. To effectively balance a game, and give oneself the ability to modify archetype performance wholesale when necessary (like, gee, all this stuff going on in i24), it's a huge help to bring statistical outliers in.
Why is that?
Let's take a look at expected performance from (we'll go with) Field Operative. This power is gaining a base 200% Regen; half of that is enhanceable, so it'll be at 300%. That's pretty good!... oh, wait, Drain Psyche is fully enhanceable and does 75% Regen / Recovery for each enemy struck. So right there, two enemies (2) puts you at Field Operative levels of Regen, and hey, we'll throw in infinite endurance as a bonus. If you hit the maximum number of enemies (10), suddenly you're at 1500% recovery and regeneration after enhancements. That's pretty crazy... you're only 500% below cap at that point.
For comparison, Regen scrappers sit at about 1100% Regeneration over the long term if you average Instant Healing into their rotation, assuming 500% Recharge, and are significantly weaker if you remove that portion of their regeneration (by a lot... IH is essentially core to their survival).
Keep in mind that we haven't even mentioned that this power ALSO inflicts horrid debuffs on its targets that are ALSO fully enhanceable. 500% regeneration debuffs on
So what does that mean for the AT? Well, what that means is that if the development team would like to bring the Blaster AT up to par, that carries with it the concern that certain sets (Fire Blast, Mental Manipulation) will come out much farther ahead and make the archetype too good when compared to the rest of the game. Let's take as an example the idea that Arbiter Hawk suddenly decides to grant all powersets mez defense in the form of a power granting it for a brief period. We'd all want that, right? Suddenly, a well-slotted Blaster can out-dps a Scrapper while having as much defense, more resistance from APP and pool powers, and can regenerate at the same level as one and a half Regen Scrappers put together. A blaster with that much power can wipe out content intended for full conventional teams and can make or break a Trial by themselves. After all, a -500% Regen debuff on Tyrant really does a number on that 2nd phase.
So, what to do? How do you buff the archetype's powers without making the AT absolutely absurd in the team game?
You nerf the outlier. You bring down Drain Psyche. EvilGeko posted a good example of what it could be, and there are others.
Darth, I don't intend to be disrespectful here. I just think you haven't thought this through all the way.
The comming changes won't make DS any more powerful than it already is. If Blasters aren't already the kings of Magistrum Itrial then they still won't be come I24. -
Quote:Well, a snipe is hardly reliable in an attack chain as it is at the moment. sure, it's posible, I do it all the time myself, but it's not something to rely on, so having it accidently fast snipe is no worse than it being interupted for leaving a whole in the chain, and at least having it accidently fast snipe you get extra damage instead of none, for what? the same gap in the attack chain?It might accidentally get insta-boosted and leave a gap in the attack chain.
And then, there is the in-adaptability of static attack chains. -
Um, generally when leading NPC's out causes ambushes. Now, the heat seeking aspect of ambushesmeans the +stealth componant of Tactical Operative wouldn't help much, but, what I believe Ulysses was refering to, was the powers sustain effect, the +regen/+Recovery would be off when the ambush shows up. I the same thing with disabling hide on a stalker on NPC rescues, having to turn off hide, not for the stealth componant, but for the AOE defence componant.
Quote:But boost range is easy to use, perma it, slot for range damage and recharge and snipe from the draw distance.Boost Range is not problematic, although it is a bit unintuitive in how well it synergizes with cones. It's the kind of power that I really enjoy as a player but would probably not design in a new set because I feel a number of players would just not grok how to use it best.
Quote:The thing is, /dark really encourages a close range style and the -ToHit that all the powers stack on the targets make a /dark character particularly more survivable at that range.I think the problem is that Soul Drain is indeed better than Build Up... for melee classes that have armors and drastically shifted incoming-outgoing DPS until death life curves. While a Blaster has the option to engage in melee or punish foes that come too close, they lack the protection to adequately leverage Soul Drain. This AT will still lack such even after the looming buffs to Touch of Fear (which will be ranged mind you).
Do you think that Soul Drain would be viewed the same way on a Scrapper if it could rarely be saturated (or even partially saturated as 4+ targets) and required melee classes to alter their gameplay to use properly? What if the mere use of it was risky and the more effective you made it the lower the player's chance of surviving got? That's the terrible line that Blaster's walk with this skill-- and it's neither something that melee classes face nor do Blasters with Build Up.
I think there are two ways to remedy this:- 1- Make Sould Drain a TAoE.
- 2-Make Soul Drain grant a period of significant +defense/+resistance during its lengthy animation for the Blaster AT. This class will still face the issue of surviving the initial spawn dive as well as the ensuing agro.
Quote:Executioner's ShotQ: What are the powers getting the range boost? Are they just the ST ones? Are they just for Blasters?
Lancer Shot
Power Burst
Bitter Ice Blast
Cosmic Burst
All versions of the sets, so blasters, defenders and corruptors.
I know I'm not AH, but was discussed earlier in the tread and taken from the stream. -
Quote:I'd say only a little bit more!Arbiter Hawk was drunk when he made the changes? I like the changes (for the most part) so if that si the case then I think it's a trend we should encourage. How much booze do you think would be needed to get Time Bomb changed?
I Certainly hope not, I very much enjoy having my archery/energy blaster sniping from the draw distance with her 2 snipes thank you very much! and is very much looking forward to having one of them becoming insta!!
Quote:Actually, it was me that was stomping on your joke, and I did apologise."The melting point of purified water has been measured as 0.002519 ± 0.000002 °C, see R. Feistel and W. Wagner (2006). "A New Equation of State for H2O Ice Ih". J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35 (2): 10211047. Bibcode 2006JPCRD..35.1021F. DOI:10.1063/1.2183324"
That's close enough for alternative rock. Now quit stomping on my mediocre joke. -
Sorry to be a pedant, but 0 degrees Celsuis is arctually not the point at which I melts nor at which ice freezes as some think, but the point at which water can exist in all 3 states, liquid, solid and gasious.