Group Name: Gamma Squadron
We are a group of RPG vets who are fans of TSR's Gamma World paper and pencil RPG. Most of our toons are CoH versions of GW characters from a long-running GW campaign that dates back to 1982. (Like I said, we're RPG vets)
Zeb Cook, one of the CoH/CoV devs, did a number of GW-related projects for TSR, and the quality of his work shows here. Gamma World is a post-apocalyptic RPG populated by mutants with amazing powers. The first time I fought a troll in Boomtown, I knew that CoH was as close as we'd ever get to GW online.
Our membership requirements? Well, that's a tough one. Pretty much, we have to like you, trust you, and not think you're a tool. If we get to know you, and we like you, we'll invite you.
Contacts: TheSpooky or Darien Lowren