10 -
true but i was thinking more of the cap buster badge - i doubt theres 5 people with the mission on the server still (actually that remins me, maybe my hero still has it....)
there are two badges from the mission
Cap Buster: kill 333 red caps
Toothbreaker: Defeat Snaptooth 5 times
so to get the toothbreaker badge you'd need to complete the mission 5 times, to get the Cap Buster Badge you're looking at clearing the mission (leaving snaptooth alive) 5 (possibly more...) times -
Im interested, to cap it off i have the snaptooth mission still hanging around from the valentines day event - so if anybody wants cap-buster it can definately be arranged
as a /thermal corr thermal has some fantastic shields (even if they are a bit heavy on the gfx) a great accuracy and damage buff a rez and at the end 2 monster debuffs a team with a thermal and a kinetics thats 38+ can steamroll mishes with Heat Exhaustion -DMG -recovery -something else and Melt armour -def (-res?) you can basically make most AVs be about equal to a moderate elite boss which as im sure you'll all agree comes in very useful. on the other hand ive not really played /kin beyond 15 and ive not rolled a /rad ever though i did find /dark incredibly frustrating when you're not in battle and the brute is on his last legs and you just know he can't take an alpha when starts moving towards the next mob
i think it doesn't work on attacks because of the longer activation time, plus theres a slight delay (even with no lag) that means when using attacking powers if you press 2 buttons one after the other immediately it cancels the first attack and does the second
I have two corruptors now one is a sonic/thermal (TL27) and the other is a Dark/Kinetic (TL10) - my higher lvl toon has all 5 of the powers from thermal available at this level as well as the first 3 attacks from sonic (taken mainly for the -DEF it gives rather than the damage) the rest of my powers are taken from pool (SSpeed for haste and the ability to get around mishes undetected & Fly to get around outside of mishes in high lvl areas, and for the defences from hover) as you can tell this corruptor is specced entirely for support meaning that while i can (just) solo on heroic im always better off in a team (normally the highest lvl i can find at the time without being LKed - thankfully because i rarely aggro and can get away quickly i don't die very often and can normally hold my own as a healer in a team of +3/+4 villains.
My other corruptor however has the area heal from kinetic as well as siphon strength and siphon speed, also i am focusing on the holds from Dark as well as the DoT attacks. The problem is that most people (in my experience) expect evey corruptor to take a heal - heavy secondary pool and i find my self being relied in a defender's role with a single heal when really my guy plays more like a controller - i've tried explaining to people that im not a healer but all i ever get is a tell when someone days saying "you're [CENSORED]" or something along those lines - even people who are my friends IRL actively blame me when they run off on their own or seperate on either side of the room and die because i have one heal thats an AoE around a mob (at least with thermal i can stand next to the one with the least problem and use Warmth, and use Cauterize on the other dude to keep him alive). Some people seem to be having problems discerning between what a corruptor is - either they think its a blaster or a defender not a choice between the two, and frankly as much as i love my dark/kin corruptor i'm thinking of dropping him just to stop the abuse -
I know that Global wasn't on the last time i played but has anyone talkaed about a global monsters channel for Defiant then if someone sees the Paladin Construction Site or any other monster they can post it in there and everyone on the server can know about it rather than just the people in the same zone.
I know this has already been done on american servers and i think it would be a good idea here too -
okay after the post i made in 'Unfair TP Foe' which kinda started a war of words between myself and several others i came up with this idea. So if something crappy happens in PvP that you want to shout at something about - shout it here.
In the interests of fairness though don't put the name of whoever it was that [censored] you off enough to post here just state their AT