I have created an interesting bind to merge click to move with mouse look. Appears to be very useful, and I almost think this is the way click to move (CTM) should work in production for everyone...almost. Please tell me what you think.
It needs 4 files. For easier explination I have named them 1stDown.txt, 1stUp.txt, 2ndDown.txt, and 2ndUp.txt. The concept is simple. a key\button will act as the CTM button just like normal On Demand Click To Move. The first time the button is pressed the up "event" causes you to go into mouse look mode. The second time the button is pressed both the down and up "event" sets mouse look mode to off. This would allow you to rotate the camera while running to a destination durring a battle to keep an eye on your team. Esp. usefull for Def and Controllers.
targeting while in "mouse move mode" will have to be done by using target next\prev\far\near binds.
One thing I can think about of the top of my head that would make this better, is if attacking did not cause you to stop moving to your intended destination. This could be classified as a "bug" in the way click to move works.
I have added tells and says to provide some sort of documentation to what is going on. they can be removed once you don't need them or if you already understand how it works.
joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$local 1stdown canlook off$$t $name, CTM on$$bind_load_File E:\kb\1stUp.txt"
joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 1$$say 1stup canlook on$t $name, CTM Off$$bind_load_File E:\kb\2nddown.txt"
joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$say 2ndDown canlook off$t $name, CTM on$$bind_load_File E:\kb\2ndUp.txt"
joy17 "+down$$-down$$ctm$$canlook 0$$say 2ndUp canlook off$t $name, CTM Off$$bind_load_File E:\kb\1stdown.txt"
Edit: load with (\bind_load_File 1stDown.txt) first
Edit2: I was also thinking about a way to incorperate CamReset...mabe with every attack or target select. Not sure. I will do some testing tonight.