I will also say that while Hurricane is a great power sometimes, other times I wind up just spreading the mobs out, which isn't so great when I have snowstorm and freezing rain going (let alone thunder clap). It also sounds like the accuracy debuff doesn't apply at all unless they're physically touching the hurricane, meaning it doesn't help much if you're surrounded by 10 mobs with guns - ahhwell.
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Hurricane doesn't quite work like that as I've seen it. If an entity (you or a mob) touches it, you aquire a "buff" that does the accuracy and range debuff. This sticks with you for several seconds, and in fact does on the mobs as well (on both you and the mobs, grayish black target images swirl - much like the accuracy inspiration). You can use this to your advantage and "tap" packs of mobs and then back off leaving them for melee to deal with.
One question I did have about SS powers relates to Snow Storm and Fly Speed. Particuarlly on tsoo ancients and freakshow shockers - if I place snow storm on them, and they decided to flee via the air... They don't seem slowed (movement wise) in the slightest, is that supposed to happen?