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  1. Hello Everyone.

    The old Supergroup thread is horribly outdated. Pages and pages of old supergroups with unregistered and retired supergroups that no longer exist.

    Lets get a new list of supergroups, that are currently ACTIVE.

    Represent people!

    Hopefully this will make it easier for people who are looking for a home, or a new home to find one that is active.

    How about you list the following so others can know a bit about your SG.

    Cheers fellow Guardianians!


    Name: The Guardians of Orion

    Motto: "The celestial power of Orion shall help us preval!"

    Leader(s): Rygel and Red Electrica

    Player Type: Casual to Power Gamer

    RolePlay?: Not very much. Some of our members might dabble.

    Membership levels: 16-50

    SuperGroup Colours: Black and Teal

    Normal time of Gameplay: Evenings, and weekends anytime during the day

    Other information: A close knit group who we feel is an online family. We group together, and with others. We love doing missions taskforces, and we attend Hamidon raids. You can get more info about us at the website.

    Recruiting?: Not actively. But if you'd like to join us, feel free to team with us so we can get to know you.

    Website: http://guardians.orion.netdesign.com
  2. As an Electric/Fire blaster, I found this whole thread to be really informative. Yes, when I built my hero, I didnt choose the same powers simply because I wanted some variety. It may look funny, to see an electric blaster hocking fire, but its damn good fun

    I'm not a power leveler. I do like to play in groups, but this thread does give you some fantistic information and considerations for perhaps starting an alternate hero.

    Kudos to everyone for the information.

    I'd also like to add that your shot at electric blasters is probably correct. It is much harder for me to (at level 24) solo mobs that con orange and red then my buddy who is a technology/devices blaster. Just the smoke grenade alone kicks butt. I do find that electric blasters are very good for teaming. If I tend to get more xp with one other teamate (usually my gravity controller friend or my tech/devices blaster), we go through mobs much faster then I could on my own simply because im always having to run things down or back off to avoid damage from large groups.

    I don't see this as a bad thing for the way I like to play. But it is a bad thing for power levelers.

    The main objective I guess of this thread to those who take it personally is that if your idea of playing CoH is to play and team and do missions, then nothing these folks have said here really applies to you. I read it as that, and others have too.

    Thanks for taking the time to build this gude, and to all the constructive posters that built and commented on it too.

    Cheers, and happy hunting.