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  1. Reguarding burn + bosses. It is worth sticking around if you have enough bosses in your burn patch. Now I'm not saying that 5 freak tanks and a few misc crey bosses are a good plan in reguards to your health, but if you get enough of them together, it's worth burning them down.

    Yay Crey's Folley. I was seeing a level every 2.5, soloing pretty casually and carefully (not stomping on other players mobs, etc).

    I've noticed a lot more traffic in Crey's on Justice than I usually associate with that zone. It's been very very odd.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Great Update Mephe! was hoping you'd do this. Thanks! (A question about the hover thing earlier, has anyone that wants to be a flying Fire tank have a bind to do the Hover-drop-burn-hover thing? IS it even possible? to bind that?)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It'd be pretty easy to do if you knew you wanted to restore hover after a burn. A bind like... (and my syntax is off becuase I don't have any ability to look up the right command names)

    bind rshift "+toggleoff hover"

    might do what you're looking for. You'd have to hit the shift key and then while you have it down hit whatever key you use for burn. (bind something near shift to powexec_name burn maybe?)

    Alternatly, you might be able to use a dual-file setup to have it do something like:

    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>

    bind rshift "+toggleoff hover$$bind_load_file hover_burn.txt"


    bind rshift "powexec_name burn$$powexec_queue hover$$bind_load_file drop_burn.txt"
    </pre><hr />

    but I haven't tried anything like that (for one thing, I don't have flight to try it, tho I do have a respec so I could copy to test to try). If that worked, you'd hit&amp;hold shift till you hit the ground and passed the "I'm really landed", then release it and it'll activate burn, followed by re-hovering.

    It'd take some skill to get the timing down tho.
  3. More accuratly, if you aren't on the ground you can't drop a burn. Once it's down you can move as you like.
  4. Thought I'd toss this out:

    I seem to get 2 burn patches down at once with no problem when I have hasten up. Numbers above mobs increase from dense to ungodly dense during the brief overlap, and I get 2 "immob free" burn buffs on my bar.

    Maybe I'll waste some of my precious cash (hah! Guess who has a lvl 50 blaster?) on recharge redux and test out a max recharge burn to try to settle that question tomorrow.
  5. If you remove shift-number for teammates, I'd just rebind it.
    I don't use and don't like ctl-number. In fact I un-bound them to keep from accidentally switching trays and hosing myself up.

    3 trays I like, however as an old time AC mage, I have to say I really really did like their interface, especially considering your average mage had probably 100 spells or more slotted at any given time (actually, probably closer to 150-200). 5 (later, 7) tabs. insert/pageup move between tabs. delete/pagedown switch what you're sitting on to activate. cntl-key means "first of whatever", "end" ment "cast spell". Oh and the # of slots in a tab was infinite and number keys 1-0 activated spells as you'd expect.

    Probably wouldn't work so well in CoH since you don't just spam a debuff or two then only one spell at the enemy till it's dead. Unless you're a burn tank. ;-)
  6. You know, back before I respecced my kat/inv scrapper to be a tele-tank, I used to have parry and it served me well. Perhaps it is time to return to those days. I've got it on my test build, but I slotted with damage not defense.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Let me try this in simple terms, for those who still don't get it.

    Adding files that you created, in a folder you created, does not modify the client. You have not touched Cryptic's software.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me try it in simple terms because you obviously don't get it.

    [color= orange]They said reverse engineering the client is against the TOS. How did you know to put the files there? You had to reverse engineer (or someone did) the client to find that out and post it. They stomped on it. Case closed.[/color]

    Now, if you ask me personally, banning reverse engineering of things is [censored]. In fact it /used/ to be specifically protected by law in the US. Note I said used to be. Gotta love things like the DMCA, patent abuse, and the like.

    In a more serious note, I'd be willing to give 2:1 odds that Cuppa isn't listing all the reasons. I have a suspicion they're worried about someone figuring out how to actually replace animations in the client. Why? Becase the client probably controlls animation time (tho maybe not, since we have parry working how it does; animate then pause time where you can move but not act), and the servers probably don't check it. Imagine if you could spam off attacks with 0 anim time. Yeah.

    All of Asheron's Call PK skills were knowing exactly how to break the client's animation loop. They'd be wise to be scared.