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  1. ok, I obviously wasn't there . But I do agree with you, people in games I think in general are becoming very sensitive to "griefing"
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Well said. This thread is obvoiusly nothing more than a griefer trying to find out what his future boundaries will be so he can exploit them to the max. I have faith cryptic will create a system to keep good players happy and griefers in line though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ah, nothing like bringing out the old name calling, just goes to show you that not all the players to be avoided are PvPers doesn't it?
  3. just as a quick point about why the person might have been pissed off. I was in boomtown once with a group, hunting 5th. All of a sudden, we could not find a single group and we were wondering why, eventually we say a level 50 dude jumping around leading off all the mobs. Because of him, we could not gain xp for like 20 minutes cause he just kept gathering all the mobs of around our level to him. Maybe he didn't think you were leading mobs to kill the other people, but mearly leading mobs away from people legitimatly trying to fight them.

  4. few quick points:

    I assumed we were talking about a zone with guarded entrences like hazard zones now, meaning there will be no load killing, sorry for the confusion.

    Secondly, I have never advocated a PvP zone ONLY as PvP. I would mearly like to see it as one of the options, having arenas, guild wars, etc, is completely fine with me.

  5. disagree 100% with your last statement. Camping spawn site = res killing = griefing in my mind (ok, there is a line even with that, in other games, if you ressed someone in the middle of a big battle, they would get killed, it was strategy, not griefing). Camping an entrence is not a spawn site! You are alive by then, have everything you need, and are stepping back into a zone designed for PvP. You are consenting to continuing the fight. If someone res kills you, you are not consenting to a continuing fight, because you have no choice.

    In my opinion, it comes back to choice. If you choose to go to PvP, you are choosing the option of putting yourself on the line. This is where I disagree with one of Recluses statements (no offense.... please don't ban me.... ). The statement was thus:

    Deliberately preying on players in PvP who are hopelessly outclassed (spawn camping/sniping newbies, for example)

    Now, if he was talking about other games (which he might be) I agree with him. But if this is truly going to be a consentual PvP envrioment, I do not see how killing anyone can be considered griefing, as everyone availible in the zone to be killed has clicked the button that lets them into the zone.
  6. ok, I have read alot of posts on these forums, and the same topic keeps comming up "preventing griefing". Fine, good thought, however, I would really like to know the definition of griefing, because it seems that everyone has a different definition, and many fights ensue because of it. So please give your definition of griefing on this thread so we can see what different people think.
