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  1. Aw. I was hoping the summon for thugs would be snapping your fingers...
  2. Wait, what's the difference between a To-Hit Buff and an Accuracy bonus? I don't understand what you guys are saying... Does Defense Scaling not mean that all enemies have the same accuracy or to-hit or whatever no matter what level they are? Doesn't this mean that your Defense powers don't have the normal -% effectiveness for fighting guys above your level?
  3. Sweet! This is very welcome news. Now it just makes being an EA Brute that much more fun! Perhaps now I can play on a difficulty higher than the lowest... I was always a little miffed how Resistance worked against everything equally (95% resistance to damage is 95% resistance to any damage; it doesn't get reduced except by debuff) while Defense could be debuffed AND reduced by a simple advantage in levels. Sounds cool, I'll get to testing it as soon as this patcher gets done.